Figure 6-7.--Solomon's seal.
know how to use her bounty. Apply the following rules
as soon as you realize that you are isolated:
1. Inventory your rations and water. Estimate the
length of time you will be on your own.
Figure 6-6.--Wild potatoes.
2. Divide your food-two thirds for the first half of
your isolation and one third for the second half.
If the liquid in sap is dark in color, it is not drinkable.
3. Avoid dry, highly flavored foods and meats
If the liquid is clear, test it for odor. When slightly pink
when you have less than 1 quart of water each day.
or red in color, it probably contains tannic acid. If it has
Remembereating makes you thirsty. Eat food high in
no taste or does not taste bad, then it is a good source of
carbohydrateshard candy and fruit bars.
4. Keep strenuous work to a minimum. The less
Buri, coconut, sugar, and nips palms contain a
you work, the less food and water you require.
drinkable sugary fluid. To start the fluid of coconut palm
flowing, cut off the tip of the flower stalk after bending
5. Eat regularly when possible; do not nibble. Plan
it downward. If you cut off a thin slice every 12 hours,
one good meal each day and cook it if you can. Cooking
you can renew the flow of liquid and collect up to a quart
makes food safer, more digestible, and palatable. Also,
a day.
the time you spend cooking gives you a rest period or
time to relax.
6. Always be on the lookout for wild food. With
In a short time, you will realize your second
few exceptions, everything you see that walks, crawls,
requirement is food. This is especially true during a
swims, or grows from the soil is edible. Learn to live off
survival episode when you need every ounce of energy
the land.
and endurance that you can muster.
Men have been known to live for more than a month
without food. But unless you are in extremely difficult
circumstances, there is little need to be deprived of
Experts estimate that about 300,000 classified
something to eat. Nature can be your provider if you
plants grow on the surface of the earth, including many