surrender. Recognition of the effect of fear and its results
through this beforethe only difference is that this is the
helps you overcome panic.
real thing. If you think this way, you can increase your
chances for success by being confident that you can
survive. Get to a safe, comfortable place as quickly as
You can always do something to improve the
possible. Once you find a safe place, look things over,
situation. Figure out what you need; take stock of what
think, and form a plan. Your fear will lessen; your
you have; then improvise. Learn to put up with new and
confidence will increase. Becalm. Take it easy until you
unpleasant conditions. Keeping your mind on
know where you are and where you are going.
SURVIVAL helps. Do not be afraid to try strange foods.
Part of your fear may come from being in a strange
V-Value living,
country; therefore, try to determine your location by
landmarks, by compass directions, or by recalling
Conserve your health and strength. Illness or injury
greatly reduces your chance of survival and escape.
Hunger, cold, and fatigue lower your efficiency and
stamina, make you careless, and increase the possibility
When you think about the enemy, put yourself in the
of capture. Knowing this makes you especially careful
shoes of the enemy. What would you do? Watch the
because you realize that your spirits are low due to your
habits and routines of the enemy. Base your plan on your
physical conditionnot from the danger involved.
observations. Remember, you know where the enemy
Remember your goal-getting out alive. Concentrating
is, but he does not know where you are.
on the time after you get out alive will help you value
UUndue haste makes waste.
living now.
Do not be too eager to move. It makes you careless
AAct like the local populace.
and impatient. You begin to take unnecessary risks, and
"At the railroad station, there were German guards,"
you might end up like the man who rushed ahead
one escapee related. "I had an urgent need to urinate.
without a plan. He tried to travel at night but only injured
The only rest room was an exposed one in front of the
himself by bumping into trees and fences. Instead of
station. I felt too embarrassed to relieve myself in front
laying low and trying to evade the enemy, he fired at
of all the passersby. I walked throughout the entire town
them with his rifle and was caught. Do not lose your
stopping occasionally and inquiring if a rest room was
temper. Loss of self-control may cause you to stop
available." This man was detected and captured
thinking. When something irritating happens, stop. Take
because he failed to accept the customs of the locals.
a deep breath and relax; start over.
When you are in a strange situation, accept and adopt
Face the facts-danger does exist. Trying to convince
local behavior. In this way, you avoid attracting attention
to yourself.
yourself otherwise only adds to the danger.
R-Remember where you are.
L-Learn basic skills.
You may give yourself away because you are used
The best life insurance is to make sure that you learn
the techniques and methods of survival so thoroughly
to acting in a certain way. Doing "what comes naturally"
that they become automatic. Then the chances are that
could be the tip-off that you do not belong there.
you will do the right thing, even in panic. Work on the
VVanquish fear and panic.
training you are given because it may mean saving your
life. Be inquisitive and search on your own for additional
To feel fear is normal and necessary. It is nature's
survival knowledge.
way of giving you that extra shot of energy just when
you need it. Learn to recognize fear for what it is and
control it. Look carefully at a situation and determine
whether your fear is justified. After you investigate, you
You and your entire squad, platoon, or group must
will usually find many of your fears are unfounded.
make your reactions to survival situations automatic.
When you are injured and in pain, controlling fear
The best chance for survival belongs to the group that
is difficult. Pain sometimes turns fear into panic and
works TOGETHER and has a leader who fulfills his
causes a person to act without thinking. Panic can also
responsibilities to the group. If the group remembers the
be caused by loneliness. It can lead to hopelessness,
following factors while evading capture, their return to
thoughts of suicide, and carelessness-even capture or
friendly forces should be successful.