When you must adjust for wind, each increment turn
of the windage screw equals a 1 l/2-meter adjustment
To unload the launcher, press the barrel latch and
when you are firing on the 200-meter range.
move the barrel forward. The expended casing is
When you must adjust for elevation, each increment
automatically extracted and ejected.
turn of the elevation adjustment machine screw equals
a 10-meter adjustment when you are firing on the
200-meter range.
Fire three rounds and make the necessary
adjustments after each round. When three consecutive
rounds land within 5 to 10 meters of the target, the
Clean dust, dirt, and mud from all surfaces of the
zeroing-in procedures are complete.
handguard assembly, the sight assembly, and the
receiver assembly with a clean, dry cloth. Remove
powder fouling from the heat shield of the handguard
using rifle bore cleaner (RBC). Wipe the inside of the
A MISFIRE is a complete failure to fire because of
barrel with a cloth soaked in rifle bore cleaner. Remove
a mechanical failure, not a delay in firing like a hangfire.
any deposits or residue inside the barrel by using a bore
It is not dangerous, but it must be treated as a hangfire
(which is dangerous) until such possibility has been
Press the barrel latch and move the barrel forward
until the barrel stop is engaged. Lubricate the barrel
A HANGFIRE is a delay in the functioning of the
assembly track by applying a light coat of semifluid
propelling charge. Wait 30 seconds from the time the
charge fails to fire before opening the breech for
lubricating oil recommended by the armorer. Wipe all
unloading procedures. Caution is required, as this can
exposed metal surfaces with a cloth saturated with the
be very dangerous. Clear the area of all personnel not
recommended lubricant. Touch up any scratched or
needed to correct the hangfire.
worn surfaces with a solid film of lubricant. Before
A STOPPAGE is any interruption in the cycle of
applying the lubricant, wipe the surfaces with a
operation caused by faulty action of the weapon or
dry-cleaning solvent to ensure they are thoroughly
cleaned of all foreign matter. Separate the upper and
lower receiver groups on the rifle. With the launcher
When a weapon fails to fire, the possibility of a
misfire or hangfire exists. Therefore, the following
cocked, remove the backplate and follower, flush inside
precautions must be observed until the round has been
the trigger housing with rifle bore cleaner, wipe dry, and
removed from the weapon and the cause of the failure
lubricate with the recommended lubricant. This action
should be done only under the supervision of an armorer.
1. Keep the weapon trained on the target and be
sure all personnel are clear of the muzzle.
2. Wait 30 seconds from the time the weapon fails
to fire before opening the breech for unloading.
The cartridges used with the launcher, as shown in
figure 13-5, are fixed types of ammunition that consist
3. Exercise extreme caution during unloading
of two major assemblies: the cartridge case and the
procedures; where circumstances permit, either catch
the ejected round or reduce the distance of free fall to
the ground.
4. After the round has been removed from the
used with the launcher: high explosive (HE), high
receiver, store it separately until you determine whether
explosive airburst (HE airburst), high explosive
the round or the firing mechanism is defective. If the
smokeless and flashless, high explosive dual purpose
round is defective, it must be kept separated from other
(HEDP), and training practice (TP).
rounds until it can be disposed of properly. If
These cartridges are ready for use as issued. No
examination reveals that the firing mechanism is
prior preparation of the rounds is required other than
defective, the round may be reloaded and fired after the
firing mechanism has been repaired by the armorer.
removal from the packing and insertion into the weapon.