This chapter is intended as a guide for the individual
Current instructions recommend that the standard
MINIMUM OUTFIT issued to each person consist of
Seabee on the proper use and care of special clothing
the following:
and equipment issued to him while serving with the
Naval Construction Force (NCF).
1. Six utility shirts
The utility uniform is known as special clothing.
2. Six pairs of utility trousers
Special equipment is needed by an individual under field
3. Three caps
conditions whether in combat or in training. This special
equipment is commonly called 782 gear, the number of
4. A cold weather coat (field jacket)
the custody card originated in the Marine Corps Supply
5. Two pairs of combination combat/safety boots
System years ago. This gear is also known as field or
All items of clothing are to be marked in the
bivouac equipment.
following manner:
General instructions for wearing, cleaning,
1. Utility shirts. When these shirts are issued, a
pressing, storing, and mending items of the uniform are
1-inch-wide green tape must be sewn above each pocket
included in this chapter. Uses of the poncho, sleeping
flush with the pocket seam. These tapes are the full
bag, and other bivouac equipment are discussed as well
width of the pocket, except that some personnel with
as methods of assembling, packing, and using load-
long surnames may require tapes wider than the pocket.
carrying equipment. Instructions for the display of
In addition, an iron-on type of Seabee insignia must be
individual clothing and equipment are given where
applied to the center of the left breast pocket (fig. 2-1).
Your last name must be stenciled in black stencil ink
You are responsible for the use and care of clothing
or black paint in 3/4-inch block letters on the tape above
and equipment issued to you. It is your duty to ensure
your right breast pocket.
these items are available and in a serviceable condition
The tape above your left breast pocket must be
when they are needed. A torn sleeping bag cannot
stenciled in the same manner with the words U.S. NAVY
provide the protection required on cold nights. Neither
centered above the pocket. As an alternative to
can your cold weather coat if it does not have buttons or
stenciling, block letters may be embroidered with black
a zipper. Under certain circumstances, you may be
thread. The Seabee insignia may also be embroidered
charged for the replacement or repair of items lost or
on the pocket, but the sew-on patch is not authorized.
damaged through carelessness. Under other
circumstances, neglect may cost you your life.
2. Utility trousers. A name tape similar to that sewn
above your right breast pocket must be sewn over the
rear right pocket.
3. Caps. Utility caps should be stenciled with your
initials only on the sweatband.
The initial allowance of utility uniforms will be
4. Boots. Each boot should be stenciled with your
issued to you when you check into your unit. These
initials on the inside near the top.
items remain the property of the government; however,
5. Belt. The black web belt should be stenciled in
you are responsible for their proper upkeep. When an
white ink with your last name and initials on the end
item wears out through normal use, it will be replaced
nearest the buckle.
at no cost to you by the supply section of the unit. Always
ensure that your clothing is in good condition before
6. Cold weather coat. This coat, commonly called
deploying to an overseas destination where the supply
a field jacket, is issued to you. The field jacket is to be
of these items maybe limited.
stenciled in the same manner as the green shirt.