OVER: This is the end of my transmission to you
and a response is necessary. Go ahead; transmit.
The field message book, NAVMC 694, is primarily
and extensively used in a tactical environment. Each
designations are used in handling radio messages. These
book contains a hundred message forms that are
precedence prowords indicate the order in which one
self-carboning for easy duplication. A sample message
message is handled relative to other messages. The
and instructions for preparing field messages are
originator of the message assigns the precedence of the
depicted in figure 11-27. Spaces are provided at the
message. The precedence prowords in order of their
bottom of the form to record the time of receipt (TOR)
importance are as follows:
and time of delivery (TOD). The form is also a
convenient reference when records are necessary.
The different types of reports and their content are
published in the battalion's operations order (OPORD).
READ BACK: Repeat this entire transmission
On a patrol or in an emergency, you cannot always
back to me exactly as you received it.
readily refer to the OPORD. Providing inadequate
RELAY Transmit this message to each of the
information, or even worse no information, about
addressees immediately following.
tactical situations can be harmful and can prevent a
proper response. Always depict who, what, when,
ROGER: I have received your last transmission
where, and how, if known; then, follow it up later as
more information becomes available. The rule of thumb
SAY AGAIN: Repeat all of your last transmission.
for reporting tactical information is to remember the
When followed by identification data means "Repeat
following acronym SALUTE.
portion indicated."
Size of enemy unit
THIS IS: This transmission is from the station
Activity of enemy unit
whose call sign immediately follows.
Location of enemy unit(s)
TO: The addressee(s) immediately following is/are
Uniform worn by the enemy
to take action on this message.
Time of each activity noted
WAIT: I must pause for a few seconds.
Equipment used or carried by the enemy
WAIT OUT: I must pause longer than a few
WILCO: I have received your message, understand
it, and will comply. To be used only by the addressee.
An important rule of communication is to remember
Since the meaning of ROGER is included in that of
that the enemy is always listening; therefore, we must
WILCO, the two prowords are never used together.
always use correct security procedures when
WORD AFTER: The word of the message to which
communicating classified information. Even seemingly
I have reference is that which follows
unimportant unclassified information can be a valuable
WORD BEFORE: The word of the message to
information is prohibited from being transmitted in the
which I have reference is that which precedes
clear. This type of information is known as Essential
WORDS TWICE: Communication is difficult.
Elements of Friendly Information (EEFI).
Transmit each phrase (or each code group) twice. This
The EEFI system is actually a code that allows us
proword may be used as an order, request, or as
to notify one another of a security breach that has
occurred over a circuit. The term used to identify a
WRONG: Your last transmission was incorrect.
violation of this type is BEADWINDOW (example:
The correct version is
BEADWINDOW THREE). This indicates to the