Antitank (AT4) Squad
Machine Gun Squad
The antitank squad consists of two three-man teams
The machine gun squad consists of a machine gun
whose principle mission is defense against armored
squad leader and two four-man machine gun teams.
vehicles (tanks).
They work together under the supervision of the
crew/squad leader.
squad leader, generally a first class petty officer (E-6),
has the same basic duties as any other squad leader. In
machine gun squad leader, generally a first class petty
addition, he selects and assigns the exact positions and
officer (E-6), has the same basic duties as the rifle squad
targets for his antitank weapons within the areas defined
leader. In addition, he selects and assigns exact positions
by his platoon commander. He is armed with the service
and targets for his machine guns within the area
rifle, and he carries binoculars and a compass.
designated by his platoon commander. The machine gun
squad leader is armed with the service rifle and also
ANTITANK TEAM.-- The antitank team consists
carries binoculars and a compass.
of three men carrying five AT4s each. These men are
also armed with service rifles.
MACHINE GUN TEAM.-- The machine gun team
consists of a team leader, a gunner, and two ammunition
carriers. This team operates and services the machine
The NMCBs 60-mm mortar platoons can provide
Machine Gun Team Leader.-- The machine gun
fire support during an assault or during defense. It is
team leader, generally a second class petty officer (E-5),
extremely effective in defending an established
is responsible to the squad leader for the effective
campsite against attacking ground forces and is often
employment (fire power) of the machine gun for his
team. He carries and places the machine gun tripod for
Since the mortar is a relatively heavy weapon, it is not
action. He also carries one bandolier (belt with pockets
often carried about during normal work operations.
Permanent positions are generally set up in the base
to carry machine gun ammunition). During combat, the
camp area near the battalion administrative area. As the
machine gun team leader is responsible for changing the
major portion of the headquarters company personnel
machine gun barrel, so he carries a kit that contains an
remain in camp during normal working hours, they are
extra gun barrel and a combination wrench. He is armed
always available to man the mortars. This is the reason
with a service pistol.
that the mortar platoon is normally assigned to
Gunner.-- The gunner does the actual firing of the
headquarters company.
machine gun in combat as directed by the team leader.
The standard mortar platoon consists of a platoon
He carries the machine gun, one bandolier of machine
headquarters and four mortar squads of two crews each.
gun ammunition, and is armed with a service pistol.
At present, however, the NMCBs are only authorized
Also, he must be able to maintain his machine gun.
four 60-mm mortars in the weapons allowance.
Generally, the gunner is a third class petty officer (E-4).
Therefore, the mortar platoons of an NMCB at the
present time have two squads of two crews each.
tion carrier number 1, generally a constructionman
(E-3), acts as the supply man for the team. He carries
Mortar Platoon Headquarters
one box of machine gun ammunition (200 rounds) and
the spare barrel case with the traversing and elevating
The mortar platoon headquarters consists of the
(T&E) mechanism. Ammunition carrier number 1 is
platoon commander, assistant platoon commander,
armed with the service rifle. When not actually engaged
ammunition technician, and a minimum of two
in carrying machine gun ammunition, he protects the
flank of the machine gun team.
mortar platoon commander may be either a junior
carrier number 2, generally a construction apprentice
officer or a chief petty officer (E-7), preferably from the
(E-2), carries two boxes of machine gun ammunition
engineering department. He has the same general duties
(400 rounds). He is armed with the service rifle and also
as any other platoon commander. However, during
actual combat operations, he takes up a position in the
protects the machine gun team.