platoon commanders are normally officers of the
needs. The construction/military companies retain their
administration and personnel department, the
normal letter designation, and the platoons retain their
operations department, and the supply and logistics
letter-number designation to facilitate reference,
department. However, most battalions generally use a
planning, and scheduling.
chief petty officer (E-7) from each department to act in
the capacity of platoon commander.
The platoon commander is responsible for training,
The headquarters company of a Seabee battalion
discipline, control, and tactical deployment of his
serves as the military and administrative organization
platoon. He carries out the orders of the company
for the personnel assigned to the executive and special
commander and controls his platoon through his squad
staffs of an NMCB. Headquarters company has the
leaders. In combat, the platoon commander positions
capability of providing defense in a combat situation as
himself where he can readily control his squad leaders.
a company unit and, in addition, acts as a reserve force
At the same time, he remains in contact with his
for the battalion. The headquarters company's staff,
company commander. He is generally linked with the
when participating in a defensive situation, consists of
company commander by radio and field telephone or
the company commander, platoon commanders, a
both, and is armed with the service pistol.
company chief petty officer, and other administrative
assistants as required to organize it into two rifle
Headquarters Company
platoons and one weapons (mortar) platoon, as shown
Chief Petty Officer
in figure 1-7.
Headquarters Company Commander
The headquarters company chief petty officer can
be a chief petty officer (E-7) or a senior chief petty
Normally assigned to additional duty on the
officer (E-8), and serves as an assistant to the
headquarters company commander in a staff capacity.
battalion staff, the headquarters company commander is
responsible for the following:
The headquarters company CPO is directly responsible
to the company commander for the administration and
1. Command of the company in all military
efficient operation of the company. He is also
formations and operations
responsible for the discipline, training, and performance
2. Asignment of personnel on the watch, quarter,
of the men assigned to the company and is armed with
and station bill
the service pistol.
3. Personnel muster
4. Supervision and coordination of military and
leadership training
5. Administration and guidance in professional
The company headquarters of a Seabee company
and technical training
consists of the company commander, an assistant
6. Berthing, messing, mail distribution, and
company commander when assigned, the company
physical fitness
chief, a company guidon, a company clerk a company
messenger, and other administrative assistants as
7. Division officer responsibilities, unless separate
required. The company headquarters varies somewhat
division officers are assigned
in each company, depending on its construction/combat
He is also responsible for the security and defense
missions. Figure 1-8 shows the organization of military
of the battalion's command post and acts as the reserve
support in the construction/rifle companies.
force commander for the battalion in the defense. He is
armed with the .45-caliber pistol.
Rifle Company Commander
Platoon Commanders
The rifle company commander is usually a
lieutenant in the Civil Engineer Corps who is
All personnel assigned to the battalion's executive
responsible for commanding his company by following
and special staffs are administratively assigned to
headquarters company. Therefore, the headquarters
the policies of the commanding officer.