prevents other troops from bivouacking on the same spot
NOTE: Garbage pits are usually not more than 30
at a later date.
yards from mess areas and not less than 100 yards from
water supplies.
In a more permanent type of camp, a heated shelter
will probably be provided. This may be a tent or
Some installations may have facilities to load the
prefabricated unit in which there is a portable folding
garbage on barges. The barges are taken out to sea and
box latrine. All forms of latrines should be marked with
the garbage dumped. Where available, movable
the dates they are closed.
platforms accomplish this without the need of handling
the garbage again.
A few installations bum dry garbage. This method
of disposal should be used whenever possible because
it is quick and inexpensive.
Safe water in sufficient amounts is essential to field
troops. Water not properly treated can give you diseases,
such as typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, and common
diarrhea. In certain areas of the world, water may also
transmit infectious hepatitis and amebic dysentery. The
In low-temperature areas, such as the Arctic, the
latter diseases are caused by organisms that are highly
problem of sewage and garbage disposal is more
resistant to the water disinfection methods normally
difficult than intemperate areas. The difficulty is due to
the effect of the low temperature on the physical state of
fluids, soils, and other materials involved in garbage and
The quantity of water required for troops varies with
sewage disposal.
the season of the year, the geographical area, and the
tactical situation. Dehydration may be the problem in
material is a slow process in areas with low-temperature
both extremely hot and cold climates. In extremely hot
climates, large quantities of drinking water are required
conditions. The soil will not assimilate wastes as readily
to replace body fluid losses. In extremely cold climates,
as under temperate conditions, and permafrost
body fluid losses are not as great as in hot climates;
(permanently frozen ground) often does not permit
however, water is needed in the reconstitution of
proper drainage of the soil. In addition, most solids, as
well as liquids, show a decline in solubility with a
dehydrated foods. Additional water is also required for
maintenance of personal hygiene in both hot and cold
decline in temperature. These and other factors have an
important bearing on the type of sewage and garbage
climates. A guide for planning to meet the water
requirements in a temperate zone is 5 gallons per man
disposal methods used in the Arctic or other
low-temperature areas. Let us consider briefly a few
per day for drinking and cooking and at least 15 gallons
temporary methods suitable for use in such areas.
per man per day when showering facilities are to be
made available.
In severely cold weather, feces deposited by troops
freezes quickly, and, when pulverized by wind and
You may not be able to obtain water from water
snow, can soon contaminate a whole area. Sometimes,
points set up by the Utilitiesman. If this should occur,
on a march, a SNOW HOLE maybe used, but it should
you must obtain and treat your own water. The possible
sources of water are surface water (lakes, rivers,
be placed near a rock or terrain feature that will ensure
against other troops bivouacking on the same spot at a
later date.
rain collected from roofs or other catchment surfaces,
melted blue ice or snow, and distilled water. The cleanest
DISPOSAL BAGS offer a good means of
source of water available should be selected. Water
preventing the spread of contaminated material and
taken from any of these sources must be properly treated
should be used whenever possible. These bags are
before being used, because all sources are presumed to
collected and stacked under rock piles, then disposed of
be contaminated.
later by dumping them on the ice of adjacent bodies of
water. The bags present no problem while frozen, and
To treat water for drinking, you can use either a
they cannot be scattered until the thaw begins.
plastic or aluminum canteen with the water purification
compounds available in tablet form (iodine) or in
In forward bivouacs, you can expect to find a very
ampule form (calcium hypochlorite).
simple facility, such as a SLIT TRENCH in the snow,
Before using iodine tablets, check them for physical
protected by a windbreak. The slit trench should be
located in close proximity to the group. Marking
change, as they lose their disinfecting ability with age.