company is engaged in a fire fight on the lines. The
platoon commander must concentrate on the fire fight
The watch petty officer is primarily responsible
and has little time to send a formal SALUTE report to
for maintaining the situation map and other tactical
the company CP. Several SPOT reports are used to
information aids; however, this task is usually shared
maintain communication with the company CP. The
with the watch chief. The watch chief ensures that any
company CP is also busy concentrating on the fire
information requiring the updates of maps or charts is
fight and will relay several SPOT reports to the COC.
quickly carried out.
When the fire fight is over, the company CP will send
the COC a formal SALUTE report based from the
SPOT reports.
As you can see from this chapter, the company CP
plays a vital role in relation to the COC and the overall
A SALUTE report is used when the observed
defense plans of the battalion. The organization of the
activities of the enemy do not pose a threat to the
company CP is similar to the COC but on a smaller
company. This gives the platoon commander and the
scale. The primary difference is the communication
company CP time to evaluate the situation and to send
from the defensive lines or the FEBA to the company
the COC a formal SALUTE report.
CP. Emphasis is placed on defending the company's
area of responsibility while keeping the COC
informed. A SPOT report is a rapid way to inform the
The important thing is to keep the COC informed
COC of vital information and should be followed up
of everything and maintain the top priority of
with a SALUTE report. The COC depends on the
defending the company's area of responsibility. What
company CP for accurate and concise information.
may not seem like vital information to you may be
Strong coordination between the COC and the
vital information to someone else. When in doubt
company CP can ensure a victorious outcome for any
send a SPOT or SALUTE report.
combat mission assigned to a Seabee organization.