Figure 1-3.--MAGTF command relationships.
Figure 1-4.--MEU command relationships.
from the force service support group (FSSG) with
1. Ground Combat Element (GCE): Normally, a
appropriate attachments from division and wing assets.
battalion landing team (BLT). Only under unusual
cinnunstances would the GCE consist of two BLTs.
2. Aviation Combat Element (ACE): Normally, a
composite helicopter squadron. However, in certain
instances, the ACE may consist of an attack squadron,
The Marine Expeditionary Force-Forward
a helicopter squadron, and elements of an observation
(MEF-F) (formerly called Marine Expeditionary
Brigade [MEB]) is a task organization that is normally
3. Combat Service Support Element (CSSE):
commanded by a brigadier general. An MEF-F is
Within an MEU, normally called a service support
capable of conducting operations in low- and
m i d - i n t e n s i t y conflict environments. During
group (MSSG). The MSSG is task-organized primarily