Figure 1-7.--Security of base facilities.
4. Provide for the collection, processing, and
security platoons (PMSPs) to act as a quick reaction
evacuation of enemy prisoners of war (POW) and
force in support of RAS efforts. The PMSPs can be
civilian internees in the MAGTF rear am.
tasked with the following missions:
Relief/rescue of attacked installations/units
Route patrolling and convoy protection
Defense of possible enemy drop/landing zones
The COC is established to provide the battalion
Finding, fixing, destroying enemy forces
commander centralized command and control
operating in the rear area
facilities for all combat tactical and operational
operations conducted under his or her command. It is
Force Service Support Group
the focal point for the battalion and the terminating
Military Police
point for all tactical and nontactical radio nets.
The force service support group military police
The primary purpose of the COC is to monitor and
are the MPs for the rear area and can be tasked with
record the tactical and nontactical operations of the
the following missions:
functions of the COC will vary with the desires of the
1. Provide military police to conduct battlefield
individual commander. Normal COC functions
circulation control for the MAGTF (material supply
include the following:
routes security).
Receiving and recording operational reports
2. Provide military police for law enforcement,
from subordinate elements and companies
counteract terrorist activities.
Maintaining current plots of the friendly and
e n e m y situations and displaying this
3. Establish surveillance and conduct route
information within the COC