4. Preparing and submitting operational reports to
In the previous chapter, we learned about the
the COC concering the company.
importance of a proficient Combat Operations Center
(COC). For a Combat Operations Center to be
5. Providing dedicated communication channels
effective, it must receive accurate information
for tactical and nontactical operations to the COC and
immediately from the companies assigned to the unit.
to the platoon commanders.
The line companies (Alfa, Bravo, Charlie) man the
6. Transmitting orders and tactical decisions of the
defensive lines that are the battalion's portion of the
battalion's COC to the platoons as required.
defensive perimeter in the rear area or the Forward
Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA); therefore, they are
7. Monitoring the progress of the battalion's
the "eyes and ears" of the COC. Company command
tactical operations and reporting immediately to the
posts are established to help the companies maintain
COC any significant event or incident concerning the
company's area of responsibility.
This chapter provides detailed information about the
company command post and how the data it provides
to the COC is vital to an effective command and
control system.
The location considerations of the company CP
are similar to the location considerations of the COC.
The company CP must be hard to detect from enemy
forces and must be easy to defend and easily accessible
The company command post (CP) is the central
to battalion personnel. Other factors to consider am
point from which company operations are directed.
The CP is established to provide the company
commander centralized command and control
facilities for the platoons assigned to the company.
The platoon commanders report all activities to the
The company command post is located rear of the
forward platoons manning the defensive perimeter or
CP reports to the COC all information concerning the
the FEBA and is centered among those platoons to
enhance the execution of command and control
company command post vary with the mission
assigned to the company. The normal functions of the
company CP are similar to the COC and include the
All of the traffic entering the company CP is by
foot. Personnel approaching and returning to their
fighting positions from the company CP should do so
1. Receiving and recording operational reports
from the COC.
by alternate routes. When this rule is not followed, a
beaten path leading to the company CP for the enemy
2. Maintaining current maps and overlays of
to follow will result.
friendly and enemy situations within the company's
area of responsibility. This information is displayed
within the company command post.
Communication is vital to the company CP for the
3. Maintaining current maps and overlays of the
effective exercise of command and control. The
company's patrol routes and other routes that may come
in contact with the company's area of responsibility.
company CP must have constant communication with