battalion commander. The order for this staff
task organization or to any element within the
brief is Intel (S-2), communication chief (S-3),
and FSC.
Seabees play a vital role in rear area security.
They are expected to know the organization in the rear
area from the rear area operations commander
(RAOC) to the base facility commander (BF). The
rear area is broken down into clusters called base
To be proficient while performing duties
facilities. Seabees must know how to command,
related to COC operations, you must see the "Big
control, and defend the area assigned to them within
Picture." Part of the "Big Picture" is to know
the base facility.
about the MAGTF organization. There are three
It is important that you understand your duties as
types of MAGTFs: Marine Expeditionary Force
well as all of the other duties in the COC. Training is
(MEF), Marine Expeditionary Force-Forward
the key. A well-thought-out communication plan and
(MEF-F), and Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU).
standard operating procedures within the COC will
All MAGTFs contain four elements: Command
help to eliminate the "fog of war." As our motto states:
Element, Ground Element, Aviation Element, and
"we do more then just build; we can defend what we
Combat Service Support Element. Seabees can
be attached to any type of MAGTF as a separate