cliffs, buildings, densely wooded areas, and other
communication requirements for the COC, the setup of
a remote antenna farm, and a communication network.
Other factors that must be considered are physical
security and a location where terrain will not interfere
with transmissions. A relatively flat hilltop is usually
Communication requirements within the COC
the most desirable site location.
m a y vary according to the mission but the
communication equipment used to fulfill the
requirements is the same. Communication equipment
will include one radio per operating net and field
A communication network is a written detailed
telephones (TA-312/PT) for S-3, S-2, and FSC. In
plan accompanied with a wire and radio plan detailing
general the requirements are as follows:
where each type of communication equipment
1. AN/PRC-77 or AN/PRC-119A: Radios used to
communicate with the base facility commander,
To produce a communication network, you must
company command posts, convoys, forward observer,
know what frequency nets will be required for the
and other units located within the base facility.
Higher authority will issue a
2. TA-312/PT (Field Phone): A direct phone line
Communication Electronic Operating Instruction
to the company command posts and the Fire Direction
(CEOI) to assist you with determining the frequency
nets required.
3. AN/PRC-104: A high-frequency (GF) radio
CEOI contains the technical guidance required to
usually used to communicate with higher authority
establish and maintain communications in support of
outside the base facility.
operations. The CEOI provides the details required to
4. SB-22/PT: A switchboard used to connect
means and functions within a unit. This document
numerous TA-312s.
normally contains call signs, call words, and
5. AN/GRA-39: A remote unit that enables the
frequencies to be used by designated operating units.
operator to transmit and receive voice communication
By providing a standardized source of information,
through a radio set from a distance of up to 2 miles. It
is used to link radio communication from a remote
capabilities and communications security. In case of
loss or compromise, the standardized format
simplifies rapid identification, destruction, and
replacement. The following information and
instructions are normally included in the CEOI:
The antenna farm or communication site is the
p r i m a r y location of various antennas and
General communications instructions
communication equipment needed to establish
Call sign assignments
communication in the field. Special consideration is
Frequency assignments
given for selecting a location for the antenna farm
because all radio communication in the COC depends
Radio net circuit designator
on it.
Wire/cable trunk circuit designations
An important consideration in selecting your site
Wire/cable tagging codes
is accessibility. Time should not be wasted by
establishing accessibility. Whenever possible, a site
Telephone directory names and numbers
should be located near good reads. This will minimize
Teletype and data muting indicators
any difficulty in supplying the site with water, fuel,
Identification and marking panel codes
Signal panel message instructions
Avoid obstructions like steel bridges,
underpasses, power lines, or power units that can
Pyrotechnic and smoke codes
cause a weak or distorted signal coming from your
Ground-air signals
communication equipment. Better results are
obtained when the antennas are high and clear of hills,
Sound warning signals