Figure 2-10.--Controlled-Equipage Custody Record, NAVSUP Form 306.
Repackaging excess items returned from other
during shipment, handling, and stowage.
Since most materials are adequately packed before
Packing or repackaging material for shipment to
shipment, your responsibilities for ensuring that the
other commands or for turn-in.
material is protected is limited to the following factors:
Providing adequate protection of stock items is
Retaining repair parts in their original packaging
essential to ensuring that all material is ready for issue
until issued.
(RFI). Levels of protection are degrees of protection
given or required for packaging and packing to guard
Repackaging items that were not properly
against anticipated shipping conditions.
protected when received or that had their
The levels (classified A, B, and C) are marked on
packaging removed or damaged while in
used to inform the receiving activities of the levels of
Reporting material received in an unsatisfactory
packaging and packing applied to a given shipment of
condition because of inadequate or improper
material. Table 2-4 gives a brief description of each
preservation, packaging, or marking.