material being surveyed. To make a determination for
Serviceable Material Disposition
cause, the facts surrounding the incident must be
Disposition of excess serviceable material, both
thoroughly and quickly investigated. However, the
service and exercise and training (ET), is required for
investigation or the review should not be limited to the
two reasons: (1) to ensure that you are at your
verification of statements from individuals. It should
allowance levels, and (2) to make excess material
be broad enough to ensure that the interests of the
available to other sites having trouble obtaining needed
government, as well as the rights of the individuals and
the naval activity, are fully protected. A review is
required to prove or to refute statements from
Inventory control managers issue disposition
individuals and to place the responsibility where it
instructions for service and ET mine materials. Some
belongs. The form used for an investigation/review is
of the items receive automatic disposition, while others
Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (DD
require that requests be submitted. COMOMAG/
Form 200), as shown in figures 2-11A and 2-11B.
MOMAUINST 4000.1 provides detailed guidance and
references for the disposition of excess mine material.
Research action is not usually required in the
following situations:
E x c e s s m i n e m a t e r i a l i d e n t i fi e d a s N S A
(chargeable) or mandatory turn-in repairable (MTR)
1. When it is the opinion of the commanding
and not covered by other instructions should be offered
officer or the officer in charge that negligence
to all units and detachments by letter with an
was not involved in the loss, the damage, or the
information copy to the COMOMAG. Material, not
destruction of the government property under
required for immediate use by MOMAU activities, is
processed under normal disposition procedures.
2. When, for reasons known to the commanding
officer or the officer in charge, negligence or
Unserviceable Material Disposition
responsibility cannot be determined and
research under those conditions will constitute
Assembly-level items reported as reject material
an unnecessary administrative burden.
on supplement-B and supplement-E sheets normally
do not require disposition requests. Disposition
3. When an individual accepts responsibility for
instructions are provided automatically by
the loss, the damage, or the destruction of
NAVMINEWARENGACT when certain function
government property and voluntarily offers to
codes are used on the supplement sheets, unless a
reimburse the government for the material.
reporting activity indicates otherwise. Disposition
instructions are forwarded on computer printout sheets
and include sufficient data for an activity to prepare the
The disposition (transfer or survey) of mine
shipping documents. If disposition instructions for
material may require special authorization or may be
reject items reported on supplement sheets are not
automatically authorized. Disposition procedures for
received within 3 months, a follow-up tracer letter
mine material depend on many factors, such as the
should be submitted to the NAVMINEWARENGACT.
geographical location of the activity with the
Reclassification of Materials
procedures of the inventory control manager,
type of material involved,
However, during quality evaluation or surveillance
testing, it is sometimes determined that an item will no
serviceability or unserviceability of the material,
longer function following design specifications.
Therefore, its use must be limited, suspended, or
permanently curtailed.
type of account involved (APA, NSA, etc.).
Malfunctions and discrepancies reported by using
units also prompt inputs to the reclassification
You will be dealing with two types of material
program, as does the declaration of material as
dispositions: serviceable and unserviceable. The
obsolete/disposable. Information on reclassification
following sections explain some of the procedures
required for disposition of these materials.
actions is promulgated by the SPCC via notices of