Table 2-4.--Levels of Material Protection
Protection Required
The degree of protection required to guard against the most severe
conditions known or anticipated during shipment, handling, or storage.
The degree of protection required to guard against conditions known to
be less severe than those requiring level-A protection but more severe
than those requiring level-C protection.
The degree of protection required under known favorable conditions
during shipment, handling, and limited storage. Repairable must be
given level-C protection since guarded handling is mandatory and the
designated overhaul point is known.
Remember--the responsibility for the supply
The six basic packaging methods are shown in
table 2-5.
spaces rests with all personnel within the department.
Most retrograde repairable are packaged by
method III, which is the process of taping, wrapping,
cushioning, baling, blocking, bracing, palletizing, or
Expenditure is any act that results in a decrease of
containerizing. Special equipment is required to apply
N av y a s s e t s ( m a t e r i a l s a n d f u n d s ) . M a t e r i a l
the other packaging methods, which are usually not
available on board ships or stations.
expenditure is the reduction of material held in stock
by an activity. The three ways of expending material
Material Security
are issue, transfer and survey. They are defined in the
following paragraphs:
The security of material in your supply spaces is
essential. You must ensure that all classified and
1. An issue is the physical release of material by
pilferable materials are stowed according to the
the supply department or the division to a user of
following general security rules:
the material. The term issue includes the term
Materials are always kept under lock and key,
loss by inventory (LBI). However, issue should
not be used interchangeably with the term
unless the bulk of the material makes this
2. A transfer is the movement (including turn-in)
All supply spaces are locked when not attended
of material from the custody and records of one
by authorized personnel.
activity to the custody and records of another
All supply keys are kept under strict control.
Table 2-5.--Material-Packaging Methods
Waterproof or vaporproof bag, heat sealed.
Strippable coatings (not used by the Navy).
Greaseproof or waterproof bag, heat sealed.
Waterproof or vaporproof enclosure with desiccant added.
Physical protection only.