Odd numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 denote material
and numbering Navy technical manuals. This system
was developed to encourage standardization and
carried in a Navy stock account (NSA). (The
requisitioner must pay for this material.)
system is patterned after the 13-digit NSN and serves
9 denotes Navy-owned material carried in an
both as a technical manual identification number
NSA and managed by the Navy Fleet Material
(TMIN) and as a number used to requisition technical
Support Office (FMSO). (The requisitioner must
pay for this material.)
The 13 characters are the publication identifier,
which is divided into two sections. These two sections
The second part of the cognizance symbol is a
are the hardware/subject identifier (which contains
single-letter code that designates the inventory
seven alphanumeric characters) and the technical
manager or the inventory control point (ICP) that has
manual identifier (which contains six alphanumeric
cognizance of the material. The most commonly used
characters). These two sections are further divided, as
cognizance symbols within the Mine Force are 2E, 2T,
shown in figure 2-3.
4E, 6T, 7H, and 7Z. For a complete list of cognizance
symbol assignments by the inventory manager, refer to
Hardware/Subject Identifier
appendix 18 of Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP
The hardware/subject identifier is divided into
blocks 1 through 7, described as follows:
Material Control Code
Block 1, cognizant command (COG COM):
A material control code (MCC) is a single
Indicates the system command that has control
alphabetic character assigned by the inventory
o f t h e p u b l i c a t i o n ( NAV S E A , NAVA I R ,
manager to segregate items into more manageable
NAVELEX, etc.).
groupings (fast, medium, or slow movers) or to relate
B l o c k s 2 t h ro u g h 5 , s t a n d a r d s u b j e c t
to field activities special reporting requirements.
classifications code (SSCC): Identifies the
National Codification Bureau Code
general classification of the subject matter or the
A national codification bureau (NCB) code is a
Blocks 6 and 7, subject serial: Identifies the
two-digit code included as the fifth and sixth digits of
subject. (Assigned by the cognizant command
an NSN or a NATO stock number. It either identifies
during the early stages of development or
the country that assigned the stock number or it
indicates that the stock number is used by two or more
countries. The most commonly used NCB codes
Technical Manual Identifier
within the Mine Force are 00 (United States) and 01
(United States).
The technical manual (TM) identifier is divided
into blocks 8 through 13, described as follows:
National Item Identification Number
Blocks 8 through 10, TM acronym: Identifies
A national item identification number (NIIN) is a
the type of manual (MMI maintenance manual,
nine-digit number that identifies each supply item used
intermediate level; MMM maintenance manual,
by the DOD. Although the NIIN is part of the NSN, it is
organizational, and intermediate level; etc.).
used independently to identify an item. Except for
Blocks 11 and 12, TM serial number:
identification lists, most federal supply manual
Identifies a specific manual or a separately
identifier catalogs are arranged in NIIN order. Stock
bound part of the manual.
records are also maintained in NIIN order, as are mine
bill of material (MBOM) lists.
Block 13, TM issue: Identifies the basic TM or
a change.
For further clarification on TM identifiers, see the
example in figure 2-3. This example shows that a
The Technical Manual Identification Numbering
particular manual is under the cognizance of NAVSEA
System (TMINS) is a method of classifying, indexing,
(S), and is generally related to weapons (W), and is