maintenance. Examples of OPTAR expenditures
for procurement of nonstandard material and for
emergency requirements.
cleaning gear,
Each activity is responsible for spending the
money made available to it in the most effective way.
office supplies,
Although the money is not actual cash, it is available
electrical power,
through specific allocated funds or accounts. A careful
review of each obligation must be made to ensure that
copier rental fees,
all funds are applied correctly.
telephone services,
As a supervisor, you must ensure that financial
obligations made by your command are necessary and
are not wasted or misappropriated. The ultimate use of
steam/heat, and
an item must be considered since this generally
foul weather gear.
determines which funds must be used. For example,
paint requisitioned for painting office spaces must
come from operating target (OPTAR) funds, while
Mine Maintenance Funds
paint for mines must be obligated against mine
maintenance funds.
Mine maintenance funds are provided for
procurement of chargeable mines, mine components,
This section discusses funds, requirements
and mine-related material. The funds must be
determination, requisitioning procedures, material
obligated for material in direct support of mine
obligation validations, and transmittal reports of
material or maintenance. Examples of mine
maintenance expenditures include
paint and associated equipment,
hand tools,
The Commander, Mobile Mine Assembly Group
(COMOMAG) receives administrative funds from
sandpaper and disks, and
t h e C o m m a n d e r , M i n e Wa r f a r e C o m m a n d
protective clothing.
( C O M I N E WA R C O M ) a n d p r ov i d e s e a c h m i n e
assembly group (MOMAU) activity with funds each
quarter. MOMAU activities are normally authorized
two separate funds: OPTAR and mine maintenance.
With the rapid changes in the world defense
On occasion, a site may be granted a separate fund
situation, there has been a lot of talk about reducing the
allocation; when this occurs, the COMOMAG
defense budget. Every year, funds get tighter and they
provides specific instructions concerning the use and
will continue to be progressively harder to obtain. As a
obligation of the special fund.
Mineman, you will be expected to maintain the current
Fleet commanders are responsible for funding
level of readiness that we now have. Therefore, it is
operational costs associated with MOMAU activities.
c r i t i c a l t o bu d g e t a c c u r a t e l y a n d w i s e l y w i t h
This includes mine material movement/handling
support and travel associated with fleet exercises.
Budget considerations rest on all personnel at the
Operational funding support from the fleet
command. Each area in the budget must be closely
commanders is passed to the MOMAU in various
reviewed, and accurate estimates must be developed.
wa y s -- o f t e n b y wa y o f r e i m bu r s a b l e o r d e r s ,
Allowances must be examined to ensure that mine
sometimes through the host activity, and, in the case of
maintenance funds are not spent for weapons that are
travel, direct allocation.
no longer required. Costs, associated with upcoming
inspections, must be included in the budget. Basically,
everything that costs money must be considered.
OPTAR funds are allocated for general site
Routine requirements can be handled on a daily
support. This support includes items necessary for the
basis by your supply department. Special
day-to-day support of the activity, but not for the direct
requirements, on the other hand, may need an
support of mines, mine components, or mine
additional augmentation of funds to fill requirements.