Figure 2-5.--Example of Non-NSN requisition, DD Form 1348-6.
are usually provided locally, and the use of the
transportation, equipment rental, or any other
specific request for routine or emergency
below-listed forms is required, as applicable.
services. For further information, refer to
DD Form 282. The DOD Printing Requisition
(DD Form 282) is used for ordering printing
Letter requisitions. Occasionally, a piece of
services. An obligation document DD Form
equipment or a part for an underwater mine will
1348 is prepared and distributed according to
not have an assigned stock number. This
indicates that the material is not generally
NAVCOMPT Form 2275. The Order for Work
available for intermediate-level or depot-level
and Services (NAVCOMPT Form 2275) is used
use. The requirement for such items should be
referred by letter to the officer in charge, Naval
to order work and services. It is used where
required by MOMAU units and detachments for
M i n e Wa r f a r e E n g i n e e r i n g A c t i v i t y
chargeable services, such as utilities,