When an MOV request is received, the activity
Requisition Status
must verify the requisition and prepare a report. There
The amount and type of status information an
are two types of MOVs: external and internal.
activity receives is determined by the media and status
External MOVs
(M&S) code assigned to a requisition. The supply
status keeps an activity informed as to the action being
External MOVs are validated by the inventory
taken by supply activities furnishing the requested
control point (ICP). Supply activities must review all
requisitions held on back order (material not available)
For high-priority requisitions, supply-status
or those considered overage.
information may be received by message. The
The ICP prepares a material obligation validation
information is similar to the message requisition.
on the outstanding requisitions that meet the following
When status information is received, it should be
reviewed immediately to determine the purpose of the
Priority 01-08: Outstanding for more than 30
document and whether any action is required by the
days past the requisition date.
receiving activity. Status documents may cancel an
Priority 09-15: Outstanding for more than 75
existing requisition, provide back-order information or
days past the requisition date.
shipping status, represent passing actions, or modify
an order. The status document may also challenge an
An MOV must be processed in a timely manner.
order. A challenge requires the requisitioner to justify
Your failure to respond to an MOV in the time allowed
the requested material. Under certain circumstances, if
can result in the cancellation of requisitions and the
an activity fails to respond to a status document within
loss of funds that have been obligated for the purchase
a specified period of time, the requisition is canceled
of those items.
Internal MOVs
Too many status codes exist to identify them all in
this nonresident training course (NRTC). As a member
Internal MOVs are conducted by COMOMAG,
of the supply department, you must be aware of the
who maintains a duplicate file of all requisitions from
various codes your activity may encounter. NAVSUP
units and detachments. During the last week of
P-485 provides a complete listing of status codes.
February, May, August, and November, COMOMAG
forwards a listing of all outstanding requisitions to
and Fleet Use of MILSTRIP, NAVSUPINST 4235.3,
each site. The status listed is the last status
are also handy references. They provide general
COMOMAG received on the requisition.
information concerning MILSTRIP procedures and
Each site reviews the list and updates it, as
contain the most common codes used.
necessary. Proper maintenance of the outstanding
requisition file makes the internal MOV verification
much easier.
A material obligation validation (MOV) is a
request submitted to a requisitioner for verification of
the requirement on an unfilled requisition. The
purposes of MOV requests are to
A transmittal report of transaction's is designed to
ensure that COMOMAG is updated on a regular basis
1. ensure that overaged material obligations
on the proper expenditure of funds. This report is
reflected in the inventory manager's records
forwarded to COMOMAG three times a month: on the
a g r e e w i t h t h e r e q u i s i t i o n i n g a c t iv i t y 's
8th, the 18th, and the 28th. When these dates fall on a
outstanding records;
weekend or a holiday, the report is submitted on the last
2. determine if requirements for the material still
working day before the weekend or the holiday. You
exist and, if so, if the total quantity requested is
must retain copies of all transmittal reports in your
still required; and
files. Copies of all DD Forms 1348 are stapled to the
report, along with adding machine tape to help
requisition are still valid.
preclude errors.