Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
1. Identify the different levels of mine maintenance and maintenance schedules.
2. Describe the requirements for the recording and reporting of the maintenance on
mines and associated equipment.
3. Recognize the types and causes of corrosion and the common types of materials
available for use in corrosion prevention and protection against moisture.
4. Identify the proper shop procedures in torquing, power tool usage, maintenance of
power tools, and mine assembly equipment.
The Underwater Mine Maintenance System is
T h i s s e c t i o n d i s c u s s e s o rga n i z a t i o n a l - l eve l
maintenance, depot-level maintenance, intermediate-
designed to ensure that all mine weapons systems are
level maintenance, programmed maintenance, and
reliable and ready for issue. The system is used to
other maintenance cycles.
prevent equipment failures that might otherwise result
in repeated corrective maintenance actions.
As a Mineman, whether a supervisor or a worker
assigned to the mine assembly division, you will
encounter different levels of maintenance. This
Organizational-level maintenance is the lowest
chapter defines each level as it applies to underwater
l eve l o f m a i n t e n a n c e . P e r f o r m e d b y t h e u s e r
mines and destructors and indicates the action assigned
organization on its assigned equipment, it consists of
to each level. It also provides the rationale for the
inspecting, servicing, lubricating, adjusting, and
assignment of such actions.
replacing parts, minor assemblies, and subassemblies.
Topics in this chapter include mine maintenance
Once the weapons have been delivered to the
levels, recording and reporting maintenance, corrosion
planting vehicle and regardless of who performs the
control, and shop procedures.
task, the following actions are organizational-level
maintenance functions:
Visual inspections
The Underwater Mine Maintenance System is
Flight gear reorientation
organized under the standard Department of Defense
Safety device removal (safety pins, lanyards,
Maintenance System and contains three levels. All
maintenance actions are to be performed under one of
these levels.
Mines in the custody of the user organizations are
Because of the many tasks associated with the
relatively maintenance free. Whether on board ships or
corrective maintenance of mines and associated
stations for specific minefield planning missions or for
equipment, you should refer to Underwater Mine
contingency purposes, mines are off-loaded if the
Maintenance System, NAVSEA SW550-FO-PMS-
mission is aborted or if programmed maintenance is
010; appropriate mine assembly manuals; and
required. As an exception, actions to change a
assembly-level items, class-B criteria manuals for
short-cycle maintenance period of a mine, in lieu of
additional information.
off-loading and performing programmed main-