within the specified quarter at the discretion of the
commanding officer or officer in charge.
GROUP 1 ITEMS.--As indicated in table 1-1, all
assembly-level items in maintenance group 1 are
Except in emergency situations as discussed in
subject to class-B criteria at long-cycle maintenance. It
mine maintenance and assembly manuals,
assembly-level items must be subjected to class-B
should be noted that many of these items listed in table
criteria before they are installed in a mine. If a mine is
1-1 of NAVSEA SW550-F0-PMS-010 have had their
upgraded for increased readiness or immediate
long-cycle maintenance period extended to 6 years.
planting, an assembly-level item that is within the
Therefore, when IMAs are performing long-cycle
long-cycle maintenance period may be installed in that
maintenance, they should be aware that an extended
mine without further tests. The maintenance cycle of
maintenance period is appropriate to these items, but
the mine into which a tested spare has been installed
they should also be aware that a local record-keeping
does not change, and the spare component assumes the
system is necessary to determine when the 6-year
maintenance requirements of the mine.
period expires.
Some assembled mines may need to be
downgraded (converted to a lower configuration) or
GROUP 2 ITEMS.--Because of their inherent
completely disassembled, and the assembly-level
items repackaged and returned to stock. In either case,
durability, group 2 items require no programmed or
when such items are returned to stock, they receive
periodic maintenance, visual inspection, or piece-parts
maintenance according to the maintenance group into
inventory following receipt. Upon receipt of group 2
which they fall. Some assembly-level items (such as
items, a visual inspection and piece-parts inventory
arming wires, preformed packings, flat gaskets, and
must also be performed within 12 months of receipt
soluble washers that have been used on a mine) must be
and may be repeated periodically thereafter at the
option of local commands.
GROUP 3 ITEMS.--Group 3 items are subject to
Items, such as shorting clips, mine crates, and
class-B criteria, as for group 1 items, but only at the
shipping containers, should be retained on board for
time they are selected for installation in the weapon.
use if the mine is downgraded.
GROUP 4 ITEMS.--Items in group 4 need no
After maintenance has been accomplished, the
maintenance whatsoever, except the receipt inspection
items are repackaged in their original packing, if
requirements of NAVSUP P-805.
available. If the original packing is not available, the
items are repackaged according to with Handling,
Packing, Storing, and Transportation of Underwater
The maintenance of some mines and
Operations, NAVSEA SWO23-AB-WHS-010.
a s s e m b l y - l eve l i t e m s d o n o t fa l l u n d e r t h e
aforementioned maintenance levels and schedules.
Table 1-1 categorizes the four maintenance groups
This section discusses Conversion Kit Mk 130.
and indicates the maintenance requirements for each.
Table 1-1.--Assembly-Level Item Maintenance Requirements
Subject to class-B criteria at the time of long cycle maintenance
Subject to class-B criteria in conjunction with receipt inspection
Subject to class-B criteria before installation/issue
Subject to receipt inspection only, per NAVSUP P-805