criteria, performing class-C testing, replacing mal-
Short-cycle maintenance should not be prolonged if
the life of the battery has expired.
functioning components, performing visual
inspections, and preventing the deteriorative effects of
Mine assembly manuals outline short-cycle
rust and corrosion.
maintenance requirements and provide maintenance
procedures for each specific mine. Generally,
Required readiness, and thus the maintenance
short-cycle maintenance consists of the following
effort, depends on the location of weapons and their
intended uses. Maintenance functions must be planned
and performed in such away to ensure a state of
Disassembly of the mine to the point where the
readiness that satisfies planned weapons usage.
instrument rack and the Safety Device and
Arming Group (S&A) are removed and the
This section describes how the Underwater Mine
electrical connections are accessible to perform
Maintenance System applies to service mines in
the system tests.
various configurations and to mine assembly-level
items and explains the maintenance program for such
Performance of the instrument rack
mines and items.
subassembly, the anchor, and the system
(class-B) tests.
Replacement of the defective assembly-level
Because programmed maintenance intervals change,
refer to NAVSEA SW550-FO-PMS-010 for changes
Subjection of the S&A group to class-B criteria.
in maintenance intervals for mines, subassemblies,
Removal of the tail section and the target
and assembly-level items.
detection device (TDD) subassembly from the
mine case.
Mines are stowed in one of six authorized degrees
Verification of the battery life of the mine and
of assembly configurations: A, B, C, D, E, and F. These
replacement of batteries that will not support
assembly configurations allow completely or partially
another short-cycle maintenance period.
assembled and tested mines to be assembled and/or
issued to a mine-planting agent within the minimum
amount of time specified by operational commanders.
section, the anchor, the explosive section, the tail
Operational commanders designate the configurations
section, and the skids or crates.
in which activities will maintain their mines, taking
Performance of the instrument rack
into consideration operational requirements, facilities,
subassembly, the anchor subassembly, and the
and personnel available at the activities.
system tests, when appropriate, if any
To maintain mines in an RFI status, programmed
assembly-level items are replaced.
maintenance must be performed. Programmed
Reassembly of the mine to its assigned assembly
maintenance for mines is divided into two types (short
cycle and long cycle) and consists of visual inspection,
Performance of the assembled mine (class-C)
item replacement, component substitution, class-
criteria, and/or class-C testing.
Submission of the appropriate maintenance
Short-Cycle Maintenance
Short-cycle maintenance must be performed
A s s e m b l y - l eve l i t e m s t h a t a r e u s e d a s
p e r i o d i c a l l y o n m i n e s s t ow e d i n a s s e m b l y
replacements during short-cycle maintenance must
configurations A, B, and C to confirm their operability.
have a programmed maintenance schedule (PMS) date
Under certain conditions, short-cycle maintenance
that is the same or later than the due date of the mine in
may be required more frequently than is specified in
which the items are being installed. The reason for this
NAV S E A S W 5 5 0 - F O - P M S - 0 1 0 . N o r m a l l y, a
requirement is that the PMS date of the mine must be
maintenance period is short-cycled because of
changed to that of the replacement item if an
battery-life limitations. Short-cycle maintenance is
assembly-level item's PMS is due before the PMS
performed before the battery life expires of the mine.
(long-cycle) date of the mine.