3. EXERCISE ROLE-PLAY. For example, the
Learning Objectives: Recall the organization and
training teams perform various positions in a
responsibilities of the damage control training team
damage control training scenario.
(DCTT) and the objectives of DCTT training.
4. DRILLS. The training team develops a drill
As a general rule, it is accepted that any senior
package and then conducts the drill. The team
Damage Controlman should have the ability to develop
evaluates the drill results and afterward critiques
and conduct damage control exercises to provide
the results with drill participants.
shipboard personnel training in damage control
readiness. This chapter is designed to introduce you to
the organization and function of the damage control
p a r a m o u n t c o n c e r n . Tr a i n i n g w i l l b e
training team (DCTT) and the importance of ongoing
immediately stopped if any unsafe condition
DCTT training. The information provided will enhance
develops during an exercise or drill.
your ability to provide classroom lectures and develop
in-port and at-sea damage control training scenarios.
Training teams should include a core group of the
most knowledgeable and experienced personnel from
the ship. These people should bring enthusiasm to the
Learning Objectives: Recall the need for damage
training process. The size of the crew, number of
control training programs and the organization and
qualified personnel, complexity of the exercise, and
responsibilities of the damage control training team.
safety requirements will influence the size of the team.
In addition, some training objectives for a particular
The purpose for damage control training is to
event may not require the stationing of a full training
provide a means to increase individual or team skills in
t e a m . S h i p s m a y fi n d i t d e s i r a b l e t o h ave a
the capability to use and operate both portable and
multi-section training team program in which a
installed equipment. Training should also result in an
training team will be formed from one watch section to
increased knowledge of specific damage control
train the other and vice versa.
tactics and procedures that allows personnel to
The training teams that should be established are
complete required tasks in a more expeditious manner.
as follows:
The key to a successful training program is to
1. Integrated training team (ITT).
develop a self-sustaining training capability in each
ship through the use of onboard training teams. Fleet
2. Combat systems training team (CSTT).
training resources are used to build this capability by
3. Engineering casualty control training team
"training the trainers" who, in turn, train the shipboard
watch standers and repair parties.
4. Damage control training team (DCTT).
5. Seamanship training team (STT).
Training teams provide five general functions.
6. Aviation training team (ATT). ATT is required
They are as follows:
1. TRAINING. Training includes both individual
7. Medical training team (MTT). MTT is required
and team training and encompasses prebriefing
only for ships with medical departments headed
and debriefing actions as well as providing
feedback during actual training scenario.
by medical officers.
2. EXERCISE CONTROL. Exercise control
The training teams are responsible, under their
includes initiation of the exercise and provides
t e a m l e a d e r s , f o r i d e n t i fi c a t i o n , f o r m u l a t i o n ,
responses to watch stander/team actions.
integration, and conduct of all phases of watch stander