Present the proposed training package to the
and team training. These responsibilities include the
commanding officer for approval.
Plan, brief, conduct, and debrief training using
Conduct a prebrief for each training event for
applicable instructions and publications.
training team members and the repair party
being trained.
Raise watch stander level of knowledge (LOK)
Ensure the training team before each training
through a program that combines evolutions,
seminars, and embedded training devices in
event conducts a thorough safety walk- thru to
addition to drills and exercises.
ensure conditions have not changed.
Assess the readiness and effectiveness of watch
Supervise the conduct of the training event.
teams in the performance of watch station
Conduct the training event debriefs.
specific tasks.
Establish a feedback mechanism to address
Analyze problem areas or training deficiencies
d e fi c i e n c i e s i d e n t i fi e d d u r i n g exe r c i s e s
and initiate corrective actions to eliminate the
possibility of personnel injury and damage to
Identify training shortfalls and lessons learned.
Damage Control Training Team (DCTT) Team
The damage control training team is composed of
The ship's senior Damage Controlman or Hull
q u a l i fi e d s e n i o r m e m b e r s o f t h e s h i p 's c r ew
Maintenance Technician normally hold the position of
specifically tasked to ensure the ship's company
DCTT team coordinator. The team coordinator is
maintains the highest level of battle readiness. This
responsible to the DCTT team leader for the following:
training is maintained through comprehensive training
Organizing all team training periods, developing
programs, which include lectures and drill scenarios.
training event plans, and making all preparations
Members of the DCTT should include the
in support of the event execution.
following: team leader, team coordinator, watch
Serving as overall manager of the training event
station evaluators, trainers, and safety observers. The
briefs, performance, and debriefs.
responsibilities of these members of the training team
are stated below.
Training of team members in the proper conduct
of their duties as drill initiators, exercise
Damage Control Training Team (DCTT) Team
observers, and safety observers. These duties
also include the operational risk management
(ORM) process.
The executive officer serves as the chairman of the
Compiling the results of the training event and
planning board for training and team leader of the
DCTT. The executive officer will coordinate the
submit the event evaluation sheets along with the
planning and execution of the ship's training effort.
critique sheets to the team leader for review.
The team leader of the DCTT is responsible for the
Acting as coordinator for all recommendations
management of the training team. This requires the
and feedback concerning the training team.
team leader to conduct additional duties that include
the following:
Trainers, Evaluators, and Safety Observers
Be a member of the planning board for training
Trainers, evaluators, and safety observers directly
observe individual and team performance of the
(PB4T) and the DCTT.
training event and some may act as initiators. Their
Formulate a training package tailored to specific
duties include the following:
integrated or individual functional area team
C o n d u c t o n o n - s i g h t o b s e r va t i o n s a n d
training objectives.
Identify training constraints, disclosures and
Conduct safety walk through and pre-event
simulations, and annotate the training package