In-port Damage Control Training Team
chapter 079, volume II; NSTM, chapter 470; NSTM,
chapter 070; NSTM, chapter 077; "Repair Party
The responsibilities of the in-port damage control
Manual," Naval Warfare Publication (NWP) 3-20.31;
training team for damage control training are as
S u r f a c e Fo r c e Tr a i n i n g M a n u a l ( S F T M ) ,
C O M NAV S U R F L A N T / PAC I N S T 3 5 0 2 . 2 E ; a n d
Training covering the duties of the in-port
S h i p 's O rg a n i z a t i o n a n d R eg u l a t i o n s M a n u a l
damage control training team
Providing exercises in fire, underwater hull
Damage Control Assistant (DCA)
damage, and toxic gas drills
Training in rescue and assistance
The specific damage control training objectives for
the damage control assistant (DCA) for damage
Damage Control Petty Officers
control training are as follows:
Training in the coordinating and monitoring of
The responsibilities of damage control petty
repair party's actions in multiple hit damage
officers for damage control training are as follows:
control problems
Training on responsibilities for setting and
Training in communicating vital information to
maintaining material YOKE
ship control stations
Training on setting requirements for material
condition YOKE
Training on maintenance of portable damage
control equipment
P r ov i d i n g i n f o r m a l m a t e r i a l d e fi c i e n cy
Training in directing CBR defense postures
There are many examples of effective training
Damage Control Repair Parties
methods. One is lectures on various portable and
installed damage control equipment. The lecture
The specific objectives of damage control training
method of training discusses the basic parts, the
functions of each part, and the operation of equipment
for damage control repair parties include the
with limiting parameters. Another method of training
is hands-on training, sometimes called
Executing various damage control exercises
demonstration/performance; for example, having the
trainee demonstrate the proper setup and operation of
Ensuring all repair party members can don and
the P-100 fire-fighting pump. Also, training could
operate SCBAs, OBAs, and EEBDs
include developing and conducting a simple scenario
for in-port fire drills.
of repair party equipment
Exercising pipe patching, shoring, dewatering,
Experience has proven that training scenarios
and plugging teams in hands-on drills
provide a good means for training teams to conduct
efficient exercises and drills, including integrated
Training CBR teams in proper monitoring,
training. The ultimate goal is for the ship's training
teams to attain self-sufficiency and to maintain
p r o fi c i e n cy b y c o n d u c t i n g r e a l i s t i c , s a f e , a n d
Training CCA/decon personnel in setting up and
progressive scenarios designed to meet specific training
objectives. To be effective, training must be scheduled
processing contaminated personnel
and conducted beyond the basic training phase and
Developing the ability to set material conditions
continue throughout the entire operating cycle.