M-8 Paper
3. Compare the colored spots with the colors on the
inside cover of the detector paper book to determine
The M-8 chemical agent detection paper (fig. 9-3)
what type of agent is present.
is issued in a book of 25 split sheets (50 separate
4. The paper may also be used to detect liquid
responses). It is chemically treated, dye impregnated,
and perforated for easy removal. This paper detects the
suspect surface. A color change similar to that shown on
presence of liquid V agents, G agents (nerve), and H
the inside cover indicates the presence of chemical
agents (blister/mustard). When the M-8 paper is
agents. This paper will NOT detect gases or vapors.
brought in contact with the suspected chemical agent,
the chemicals in the paper react with the agent to
M-9 Paper
produce specific color changes. The sheet of paper is
The new M-9 (fig. 9-4) detector paper detects
then matched to the color comparison chart printed on
nerve agents (G and V) and blister agents (H and L) in
the inside front cover of the M-8 book. Liquid droplets
the liquid state. The paper is sensitive to droplets as
as small as 125-200 microns will produce a color
small as 100 microns and responds in approximately
change that is detectable by the naked eye. Response
10 seconds or less. The response time increases at
time is approximately 20 seconds.
temperatures below freezing. High temperatures of
160F or above may cause a red color to appear, thus
producing a false reading. The use of the M-9 detector
paper is limited to agents in the liquid state; it will not
detect chemical agent vapors. The M-9 detector paper
has no agent specificity; the red color appears for all
detectable agents.
Figure 9-3. M-8 detector paper.
Certain agents give a red-brown color
Figure 9-4. M-9 detector paper and storage bag.
response, which is inter- mediate between the
typical H and the typical G colors.
The M-9 liquid-agent detector paper is issued by
the roll and is 30 feet long and 2 inches wide. It has a
The steps of the procedure for using M-8 paper is
Mylar film backing that has adhesive and release paper
as follows:
on the reverse side. The roll comes in a cardboard
dispenser that has a serrated metal edge for cutting. A
1. Detach a sheet of detector paper from the book
moistureproof, resealable bag is provided for storing
and attach it to your clothing, or place it on a surface so
the dispenser after it is removed from its original
that it can be exposed to drops or liquid splash of
shipping package.
chemical agents. Use masking tape or any other
available means to secure the paper in place.
When you open the shipping package, remove the
dispenser and the plastic storage bag. Save the plastic
2. If colored spots appear, put on your protective
storage bag and discard the shipping package.
mask. Be prepared to take proper medical action if
Immediately write or stamp the current date on the
symptoms appear.