Disregard the small blue areas under the plastic rim of
T h e A N / K A S - 1 i n f r a r e d s e n s o r g ive s t h e
the nerve agent spot. The blue coloring is caused by the
equipment a secondary function of low-visibility/night
humidity. The nerve spot may become difficult to wet
pilotage and area surveillance. The operator of the
with the solutions as the kit ages. You have to work the
AN/KAS-1 can detect and provide relative bearing to
solutions to the spot carefully. At low concentrations, a
prominent land features, such as lighthouses and water
change in the lewisite tablet rub mark may be very
towers. In the future, the AN/KAS-1 may be approved
slight. Compare the first rub mark with the second rub
for the detection of buoys and personnel on the surface
mark before making a judgment. Yellow and orange
of the water. The AN/KAS-1 is a shipboard mounted,
colors sometimes occur on the blood test spot when no
portable unit. It consists of a sensor unit, a pivot mount,
agent is present. A pink or blue color must be present
a power conversion unit (PCU), a carrying and stowage
for the test to be positive.
case, a maintenance kit, an overboard lanyard, and a
foul weather cover.
form of a liquid, use the M-8 paper as discussed earlier.
The sensor unit is equipped with the following
Keep the M256A1 kit stored in a cool, dry area when
not in use. Be sure that the case is kept closed. Inspect
A narrow field of view (NFOV).
the M256A1 kit completely before using to make sure
you have all of the equipment needed. If any of the
A range/focus knob.
components are missing or the blood agent test spot is
pinkish, do not use the sampler-detector.
A brightness knob.
AN/KAS-1 Chemical Warfare Directional
A contrast knob.
Detector (CWDD)
The AN/KAS-1 chemical warfare directional
A filter wheel switch. This switch allows you to
detector (CWDD) system (fig. 9-6) is a passive,
rotate a wheel positioned in the optical chain of the unit
infrared imaging sensor. Its primary function is to
through the following positions: filter 1, filter 2, filter
provide U.S. Navy ships with the capability to detect
3, and filter out. This is referred to as interrogating.
and identify a chemical warfare (CW) agent attack.
These filters are used to identify CW nerve agent
The AN/KAS-1 can be used to detect and identify
nerve agent attacks against sister ships in a task force,
against waves of amphibious assault ships and boats
The pivot mount provides the mechanical interface
proceeding ashore, or against assault forces in the
between the sensor unit and the standard bracket and
vicinity of the landing area. Chemical warfare agent
lock assembly. Handlebars are provided to assist you in
cloud detection and identification can be accomplished
positioning the sensor unit. The interconnecting cable
against a sky background for all conditions under
provides electrical connection and power transfer from
which CW attacks may be expected to occur. Detection
the PCU to the sensor unit through a coiled,
of CW activity against a land background can be
double-shielded cable.
accomplished also, but less effectively.
The power conversion unit provides operating
energy to the sensor unit from the ship's 115-volt
alternating current (vac) 60-Hertz (HZ) power supply.
Press-to-test switches and lights are included to verify
input and output voltages. The unit consists of an
electronics tray contained in a watertight, protective
The carrying and stowage case is provided for
transportation and stowage of the AN/KAS-1 system.
Space is also provided in this case for the stowage of
the sensor unit, pivot mount, interconnecting cable,
overboard lanyard, maintenance kit, and foul weather
cover. The maintenance kit (stowed inside the carrying
and stowage case) is provided with each system. The
Figure 9-6. Chemical warfare directional detector (CWDD),
maintenance kit contains the following: