Expendable nitrogen gas cartridges (six) to
cover stowage mount on top of the sensor unit with the
two side latches.
purge the sensor unit of moisture (30-day
8. Verify that the PCU CB1 switch is off, and then
A purge kit regulator and connector assembly
connect the sensor unit power cable to the PCU
Lens wipers (cleaning pads)
After the AN/KAS-1 is set up, perform the
A lens cleaning solution
AN/KAS-1 operator check procedure. Now the
Spare bulbs and lenses
AN/KAS-1 system is ready to be aligned.
The steps of the procedure to set up the AN/KAS-1
The overboard lanyard is a vinyl-covered, stainless
for operation are as follows:
steel cable. It is used to secure the sensor and pivot
mount unit to an eyelet on the PCU unit mounting plate
1. Remove the canvas foul weather cover.
before installation and/or removal. The overboard
2. Push the button flap on the cover into the cover.
lanyard and associated safety procedures prevent
Roll the cover up and secure it with the drawstring.
accidental over-the-side loss or severe damage to the
Ensure that the cover is secured by its strap to the mount
equipment, due to a fall to a lower deck, during
eyebolt. This will prevent the equipment cover from
installation or removal of the sensor unit.
being blown overboard.
The foul weather cover, or waterproof canvas, is
3. Remove the lens guard cushion by releasing the
used to protect the sensor and pivot mount when they
are not in use. (Do not cover the sensor unit with the
two latches, one on each side. Secure the lens guard
foul weather cover while the unit is in operation. The
cushion to the top of the sensor unit using the same two
confined heat that is generated by the sensor unit cooler
will harm the sensor unit.)
4. Rotate the mount control handles 180 into the
Use the following procedures to place the
operational position.
AN/KAS-1 in position for use.
5. Release the elevation stow pin and azimuth
1. Have two people carry the AN/KAS-1 stowage
locks. Adjust the azimuth friction lock to the desired
case to the mount site to be used.
level of control.
2. Remove the free end of the overboard lanyard
6. P e r f o r m t h e A N / K A S - 1 o p e r a t o r c h e c k
from the case and secure it to the eyelet in the PCU
7. Check the sensor unit alignment with the
3. Have the people carefully remove the sensor
alignment bench mark data engraved on the data plate.
unit from the case by grasping it by the yoke, and then
If necessary, perform the alignment procedure.
lift and turn the pivot mount to line up with the locater
pins in the bracket and lock assembly mount. Move the
The AN/KAS-1 is now ready for operation.
unit into place on the mount.
To conduct the AN/KAS-1 operator check, turn on
4. Secure the sensor unit to the mount by securing
the PCU CB1 switch. The sensor unit cooler will
the lock mechanism on the bracket and lock assembly.
operate. After about 3 minutes, the sensor will reach
Try to lift the sensor from the mount to ensure that it is
cool down and an IR scene should be visible in the
locked in place.
eyepiece. If the IR scene is not visible or clear, the steps
of the procedure to troubleshoot the problem are as
5. Position the left and right handles by placing one
hand on the sensor assembly for support. Pull out each
handle, one at a time, and rotate each one into a
1. Place the PCU S1 switch in the TEST position.
horizontal position.
If all lights come on but there is no IR scene visible in the
6. Notify the support maintenance signalman to
eyepiece within 5 minutes, replace the sensor unit. If the
purge the sensor unit according to the applicable MRC
DS3 fails to light up, the ship's power to the PCU is OFF.
from the PMS.
Check the ship's power. If the DS3 lights up but there is
no image and either the DS1 or the DS2 fails to light up,
7. Free the lens cover by releasing the two side
latches. Remove the lens cover and secure it to the lens
replace the PCU. If some of the lights are out but the IR