dispenser. This date will be the base line to determine
Do not check the detector paper under a red light
because you will not be able to see the red spots of the
the useful life of the M-9 detector paper. Remove the
liquid chemical agent. Personnel who are color-blind
cutter edge protector and throw the protector away.
should not check the detector paper for red spots. Blue,
The steps of the procedure for removing M-9
yellow, green, gray, or black spots are caused by
detector paper from the dispenser are as follows:
humidity, not by liquid chemical agents.
1. Start the olive drab (OD) paper strip through the
Detector paper strips that show false positive
slot by applying a little finger pressure with the thumb or
readings need to be replaced with a fresh strip. False
positive readings can be caused by the following factors:
2. Hold the detector paper strip between the
Temperatures above 125F
forefinger and thumb of one hand and the OD paper strip
between the forefinger and thumb of the other hand. Pull
enough of the detector paper out through the slots for the
Cleaning compounds
intended use. Be sure to pull the detector paper strip and
DS-2 decontaminating agent
the OD paper strip at the same time.
3. After you pull both of the paper strips through
the slots, cut the detector paper half way by pulling the
strip down on the cutting edge.
Hydraulic fluid and brake fluid
4. Lift the detector paper strip up off the cutting
edge, and then pull both of the strips out a little further,
Insect repellent/spray
about 1 inch.
Lubricating oil
5. Tear through the remaining half of the detector
Ethylene glycol (pure antifreeze)
paper strip.
6. Tear off the OD paper strip, but leave enough
The M-9 detector paper will work in rain, snow,
paper sticking out to be ready for your next use.
and sleet. However, the reaction to agents is slower
when the detector paper is soaked. When the surfaces
Attach detector paper to equipment and bulkheads
are wet, attach the detector paper tighter than usual to
at locations where it can be seen easily. Wrap the
prevent it from slipping. Also, temperatures around
detector paper around some part of the equipment
32F reduce the speed in which the paper will turn red
where it will not get stepped on. To help make it easier
and it may take the paper several minutes to show a
to remove the detector paper, fold 1 inch of the paper
color change.
back over (adhesive side to adhesive side) to form a tab.
When the dispenser is not in use, place it in the
Remember to keep the paper away from hot surfaces
and direct sunlight. Heat may cause the detector paper
detector paper. Squeeze out the air before sealing the
to turn red and cause false readings.
plastic storage bag. If the discard date or the useful life
To attach the detector paper to flat surfaces, you
date has passed, replace the detector paper with a new,
first place the paper on the surface. Then, cover the
unopened roll.
detector paper with the OD paper strip and press the
detector paper into date. Be sure to make a tab, as
M256A1 Chemical Agent Detector Kit
mentioned above, to help make it easy to remove the
detector paper when required.
The M256A1 chemical agent detector (fig. 9-5) is
a portable, expendable item that consists of a carrying
To check the surface of an area for liquid chemical
case with straps, 12 sampler-detectors, one book of
M-8 paper, and a set of operational instruction cards.
and blot the surface around the suspected
You will use the sampler-detectors to test for chemical
contaminated area. Do not rub or scrape the detector
agents in the vapor form. The M-8 paper is used to
paper across rough surfaces. Scuff marks will cause
check for chemical agents in the liquid form.
false readings. If spots on the paper appear pink, red,
red-brown, red-purple, or any shade of red, take
T h e 1 2 s a m p l e r- d e t e c t o r s a r e i n d iv i d u a l l y
protective actions and assume that you have been
wrapped. Each sampler-detector consists of eight
exposed to a liquid chemical agent.
glass ampoules (each filled with chemical reagent),