4. Continue the interrogation for at least six cycles
scene is visible in the eyepiece, replace the defective
until confirmation can be established.
5. If the cloud dims and grows smaller when using
2. Adjust the BRT (brightness) and the CTRS
filter No. 1 and grows larger when using the No. 2 and
(contrast) controls to obtain a good image. Remember
No. 3 filters, take immediate action to notify the bridge.
this image, because on foggy or hazy days the image will
Even if the suspected cloud is not a chemical agent, keep
not focus sharply. If you are in a low-visibility or heavy
interrogating other suspicious looking clouds.
fog condition, use the narrow field of view and focus on a
hot object within 50 feet of the sensor. If you are unable to
When conducting maintenance on the AN/KAS-1,
obtain a good image, replace the sensor unit.
follow the procedures listed in the manufacturer's
technical manual and the PMS system.
3. Using the narrow field of view, observe the hot
object at 50 feet or more and adjust the image. Switch to
Chemical Agent Point Detector System
the wide field of view and verify the focus. Always
focus the AN/KAS-1 in the narrow field of view; this
will focus the wide field of view also. If you are unable
The chemical agent point detector system
to focus the image, replace the sensor unit.
(CAPDS), shown in figure 9-7, is a local sampling
The steps of the procedure for identifying clouds
detection device. It is used to detect the presence of
with the AN/KAS-1 are as follows:
chemical agents in the air. The system has an alarm that
provides rapid warning. The CAPDS is capable of
1. Use only the wide field of view so that the entire
detecting nerve agents GB, CD, and VX in time to
cloud can be seen.
The system provides a means of continuously
2. Aim the sensor unit at the cloud and begin your
sampling the outside air. It will automatically sound an
interrogating (moving through the filters) immediately
alarm at the remote control unit and remote status unit.
by depressing the filter switch.
T h e C A P D S c o n s i s t s o f a d e t e c t o r, t w o
3. Go through the interrogation several times,
through-the-bulkhead units (TBU), a remote control
watching the changes as the cloud forms. If the cloud is
unit, and a remote status unit. The detector consists of
a chemical nerve agent cloud, the changes will become
the alarm module and the power supply. The alarm
even more apparent as you watch it through the filters.
Figure 9-7. Chemical Agent Point Detector System (CAPDS).