Figure 1BIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-29 THROUGH 1-34,SELECT THE FORMULA FROM FIGURE 1B THAT YOUSHOULD USE TO DETERMINE THE VOLUME OF THEGIVEN GEOMETRIC FIGURE.1-29.1-30.1-31.1-32.1-33.1-34.Cylinder.1. A2. B3. C4. DFrustum of a cone.1. A2. B3. C4. DCone.1. A2. B3. C4. DParallelepipeds.1. A2. B3. C4. DSphere.1. A2. B3. C4. DTriangular prism.1. A2. B3. C4. D1-35.What is the reciprocal function ofcos 25°?1.Ccs 25°2.Cot 25°3.Sec 25°4.Sin 25°1-36.What function of the 45° angle intextbook figure 1-21 is representedby the line DB?1.conversed sine2.Cosine3.cotangent4.cosecant1-37.What angle is the complement of 75°?1.15°2.75°3.90°4.105°1-38.When expressed as a function ofanother angle, cos 40° equals whatvalue?1.Sec 140°2.Sin 140°3.Sec 50°4.Sin 50°1-39.What angle is the supplement of145°?1.10°2.35°3.45°4.55°1-40.The value of -COS 118° is equal towhich of the following values?1.Cos 62°2.Sin 62°3.Sin 118°4.Cos 180°Figure 1CIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-41 AND 1-42, REFERTO FIGURE 1C.1-41.What is the cosine of angle A?1.0.600002.0.750003.0.800004.1.333334
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