1-11.To find the reciprocal of a fraction,you should take which of thefollowing actions?1.Divide the fraction by 12.Multiply the fraction by 13.Invert the fraction only4.Invert the fraction and divideby 11-12.1-131-14The use of a ratio would NOT beappropriatefor which of thefollowing comparisons?1.Weight to volume of constructionmaterial2.The rate a person reads to therate that the average personreads3.The acreage contained in oneparcel of land to acreagecontained in another4.The weight of a constructionmaterial to the standard weightof a like materialWhich of the following ratio? isexpressed correctly in its finalform?1.9.03 m/ 2.61 m2.2.5 ft : 17.5 ft3.9.03: 2.614.60 mi / 1 hrWhich of the following expressionsrepresent(s) a correctly writtenproportion?1.3:9 / 11:332.3:9 = 11:333. 3:9::33:114.Both 2 and 3 above1-15.Which of the following equations is alinear equation?1 .2 .3 .4 .A.ALL SIDES ARE EQUALB.OPPOSITE SIDES ARE PARALLELC.ALL INTERIOR ANGLES ARE EQUALD.ONLY TWO SIDES ARE PARALLELFigure 1A1-16.1-17.1-18.1-19.1-20Trapezoid.1.A and B2.B and C3.c and D4.D onlyoblong.1.A and B2.B and C3.C and D4.D onlyRhombus.1.A and B2.B and C3.C and D4.D onlyWhat is the total area of arectangular parking lot thatmeasures 310 ft by 784 ft?1.299,209 sq ft2.243,040 sq ft3.121,304 sq ft4.24,304 sq ftWhat is the area of a right triangleif the sides adjacent to the rightangle measure5 and 8 feet long?1.13 sq ft2.20 sq ft3.26 sq ft4.40 sq ftIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-21 THROUGH 1-23,REFER TO FIGURES 1-8, 1-9, and 1-10 IN YOURTEXT.1-21.Assume that triangle ABC in Figure1-8 has the following dimensions:AC = 5 1/2 inAD = 4 1/2 inBD = 2 1/2 inCD = 3inWhat is the area of this triangle?1.5 1/2 sq in2.7 sq in3.10 sq in4.10 1/2 sq inIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-16 THROUGH 1-18,SELECT THE CHARACTERISTIC FROM FIGURE 1ATHAT APPLIES TO THE GEOMETRIC FIGURE LISTED.2
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