A S S I G N M E N T 1Textbook Assignment:“Mathematics and Units of Measurement.”Pages 1-1 through 1-35.1-1.Which of the following mathematicalbranches deals, in part, with thetheory of space and figures in space?1.Arithmetic2.Trigonometry3.Geometry4.Algebra1-2.Which, if any,expressions is1. o2. m3.5 2/7of the followingan irrational number?4.None of the above1-3.In fractions, the rule of ensuringthat the denominators are alikeapplies to which of the followingactions?1.Multiplying fractions2.Subtracting fractions only3.Dividing fractions4.Both adding and subtractingfractions1-4.Which of the following fractions isthe equivalent of 7/9?1.9/72.21/273.35/424.126/2881-5.What is the relationship between@and 2/%?1.They are2.They are3.They are4.They areotherrational numbersimaginary numbersequivalentreciprocals of each1-6.When is the exponent of arequired to be written?1.When the exponent hasreduced to its lowest2.When the value of theis 0number NOTbeentermexponent3.When the number has been raisedto its highest power and itsvalue is 04.When the value of the exponentis 11-7.When using the arithmetic extractionmethod, what is the first step youshould take to determine the squareroot of a number?1.Divide the number into two-digitgroups working away from thedecimal point in both directions2.Divide the number into single-digit groups to the left of thedecimal point3.Divide the number into two-digitgroups working only to the leftof the decimal point4.Determine the square root of thefirst digit of the number1-8.When using the arithmetic extractionmethod to determine the square rootof 368.42, what is the divisor youshould use to determine the thirddigit of the result?1.292.3813.3894.38291-9.Which of the following terms is theequivalent of ~? $S_i72 .1.2.00002.2.06153.2.82844.2.91551
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