Figure 1FIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-49 THROUGH 1-51,REFER TO FIGURE 1F AND TO THE TABLE OFTRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS LOCATED INAPPENDIX III OF YOUR TEXT.1-49. How many degrees are contained inangle b if angle a = 55°?1. 30°2. 35°3. 40°4. 45°1-50. What is the length of side b if sidea = 6 feet and angle b = 30°?1. 3.32 ft2. 3.46 ft3. 10.39 ft4. 10.82 ft1-51. What is the size of angle B if sideb = 6 feet and side c = 20 feet?1. 16°42’2. 17°00’3. 17°28’4. 17°30’Figure 1GIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-52 THROUGH 1-56,REFER TO FIGURE 1G.1-52. When given angle b and sides b andc, what law should you use to solvefor all unknowns?1. Law of sines2. Law of cosines3. Law of tangents1-53. When angle a and sides b and c areknown, what law should you use todetermine side a?1. Law of sines2. Law of cosines3. Law of tangents1-54. When angle a and sides b and c areknown, what law should you use tosolve for all unknown angles?1. Law of sines2. Law of cosines3. Law of tangents1-55. When side a and angles a and b areknown, what law should you use tosolve for all unknowns?1. Law of sines2. Law of cosines3. Law of tangents1-56. When given sides a, b, and c, whatlaw should you use to solve for allunknown angles?1. Law of sines2. Law of cosines3. Law of tangentsFigure 1HIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-57 AND 1-58,REFER TO FIGURE 1H.6
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