Figure 11BIN ANSWERING QUESTION 11-18, REFER TOFIGURE 11B.11-18.What is the target reading?1.8.128 ft2.9.120 ft3.9.128 ft4.279.0 ft11-19.In leveling, which of thefollowing statements best definesheight of instrument (HI)? elevation of thehorizontal line of sightThe vertical distance from thehorizontal axis of thetelescope to a point on theground directly below theinstrumentThe vertical distance betweenthe reference datum and thehorizontal line of sightThe elevation of the referencedatum minus the backsight rodreading11-20.In determining the elevation of anunknown point, what arithmeticoperation should you apply to theHI and FS?1.Addition2.Subtraction3.Multiplication4.Division11-21.By using the technique ofbalancing shots, you can eliminatewhich of the following effect(s)in differential leveling?1.Instrumental error2.Curvature of the earth’ssurface3.Atmospheric refraction4.All of the above11-22.When turning points are being setup in ordinary precision leveling,what should be the maximumdistance between the instrumentand a TP?1.200 ft2.300 ft3.600 ft4.1,000 ft11-23.When turning points are located insandy soil, you must set the levelrod on a base.Which of thefollowing bases is an acceptablechoice?1.A turning point plate2.A turning point pin driveninto the soil3.A marlin spike driven into thesoil4.Each of the above11-24.The original level run is rapidlyrerun as a check in what type ofleveling procedure?1.Three-wire2.Cross-section3.Profile4.Flying77
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