CHAPTER 11ELEMENTS OF SURVEYING ANDSURVEYING EQUIPMENTThis chapter provides an overview of survey-ing in general with emphasis on the principles andprocedures of basic surveying and the use ofvarious surveying equipments, instruments, andaccessories. As an EA, you should realize thataccuracy in surveying is essential because otherfactors affecting sound decisions in engineeringpractice are dependent upon the results of yoursurvey.Surveying is a science that deals with thedetermination of the relative positions of pointson or near the earth’s surface. These points maybe needed to locate or lay out roads, airfields, andstructures of all kinds; they may be needed forcultural, hydrographic, or terrain features formapping; and, in the military, these points maybe targets for artillery and mortar fires. Therelative horizontal positions of these pointsare determined from distances and directionsmeasured in the field, while their vertical positionsare computed from the differences in elevations,which are measured directly or indirectly from anestablished point of reference or datum.The earliest applications of surveying were forthe purpose of establishing the boundaries of land.Although many surveyors are still preoccupiedwith establishing or subdividing boundaries oflanded properties, the purposes of surveys havebranched out to many areas that parallel theadvancement of various engineering fields andother areas of civilization. Surveyors may becalled upon in court to substantiate definitelocations of various objects, such as thoseinvolving major traffic accidents, maritimedisasters, or even murder cases, in which directionand distance have a bearing.Surveying continues to play an extremelyimportant role in many branches of engineering.The results of today’s surveys are being used tomap the earth above and below; for navigationalcharts for use in the air, on land, and at sea;and for other major survey operations for relatedtasks in geology, forestry, archeology, andlandscape architecture. As a surveyor in the NavalConstruction Force, you will be required tosubmit survey results before, during, and afterplanning and construction of advanced basestructures,bridges, roads,drainage works,pipelines, and other types of conventional groundsystems. In addition, an EA assigned toan oceanographic unit may be involved inhydrography to a great extent, establishing anoffshore triangulation network, depth sounding,and mapping.Again, though these surveys are for variouspurposes, still the basic operations are the same—they involve measurements and computations or,basically, fieldwork and office work.CLASSIFICATION OF SURVEYINGGenerally, surveying is divided into two majorcategories: plane and geodetic surveying.PLANE SURVEYINGPLANE SURVEYING is a process of survey-ing in which the portion of the earth beingsurveyed is considered a plane. The term is usedto designate survey work in which the distancesor areas involved are small enough that thecurvature of the earth can be disregarded withoutsignificant error. In general, the term planesurveying is applied to surveys of land areas andboundaries (land surveying) in which the areas areof limited extent. For small areas, precise resultsmay be obtained with plane surveying methods,but the accuracy and precision of such results willdecrease as the area surveyed increases in size. Tomake computations in plane surveying, you willuse formulas of plane trigonometry, algebra, andanalytical geometry.A great number of surveys are of the planesurveying type. Surveys for the location andconstruction of highways and roads, canals,landing fields, and railroads are classified underplane surveying. When it is realized that an arc11-1
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