3. The process of making only those measure-ments that are consistent with the accuracyrequirementsExperience is of great value, but in the finalanalysis, it is the exercise of a good, mature,and competent degree of common sense thatmakes the difference between a good surveyor andan exceptional surveyor.Field Survey PartiesThe size of a field survey party depends uponthe survey requirements, the equipment available,the method of survey, and the number ofpersonnel needed for performing the differentfunctions.Four typical field survey partiescommonly used in the SEABEEs are brieflydescribed in this section: a level party, a transitparty, a stadia party, and a plane table party.LEVEL PARTY.— The smallest leveling partyconsists of two persons: an instrumentman anda rodman. This type of organization requires theinstrumentman to act as note keeper. The partymay need another recorder and one or more extrarodmen to improve the efficiency of the differentleveling operations. The addition of the rodmeneliminates the waiting periods while one personmoves from point to point, and the addition ofa recorder allows the instrumentman to takereadings as soon as the rodmen are in position.When leveling operations are run along withother control surveys, the leveling party may beorganized as part of a combined party withpersonnel assuming dual duties, as required by thework load and as designated by the party chief.TRANSIT PARTY.— A transit party consistsof at least three people: an instrumentman, a headchainman, and a party chief. The party chief isusually the note keeper and may double as rearchainman, or there may be an additional rearchainman. The instrumentman operates thetransit; the head chainman measures the hori-zontal distances; and the party chief directs thesurvey and keeps the notes.STADIA PARTY.— A stadia party shouldconsist of three people: an instrumentman, a notekeeper, and a rodman. However, two rodmenshould be used if there are long distances betweenobserved points so that one can proceed to a newpoint, while the other is holding the rod on a pointbeing observed. The note keeper records the datacalled off by the instrumentman and makes thesketches required.PLANE TABLE PARTY.— The plane tableparty consists of three people: a topographer orplane table operator, a rodman, and a computer.The topographer is the chief of the party whosets up, levels, and orients the plane table; makesthe necessary readings for the determination ofhorizontal distances and elevations; plots thedetails on the plane table sheet as the workproceeds; and directs the other members of theparty.The rodman carries a stadia rod and holds itvertically at detail points and at critical terrainpoints in the plotting of the map. An inex-perienced rodman must be directed by thetopographer to each point at which the rod is tobe held. An experienced rodman will expedite thework of the party by selecting the proper rodpositions and by returning at times to the planetable to draw in special details that he may havenoticed.The computer reduces stadia readings tohorizontal and vertical distances and computes theground elevation for rod observations. He carriesand positions the umbrella to shade the plane tableand performs other duties as directed by thetopographer. At times, the computer may be usedas a second rodman, especially when the terrainis relatively flat and computations are mostly forleveling alone.Field NotesField notes are the only record that is left afterthe field survey party departs the survey site. Ifthese notes are not clear and complete, the fieldsurvey was of little value. It is therefore necessarythat your field notes contain a complete recordof all of the measurements made during the surveyand that they include, where necessary, sketchesand narrations to clarify the notes. The followingguidelines apply.LETTERING.— All field notes should belettered legibly. The lettering should be infreehand, vertical or slanted Gothic style, asillustrated in basic drafting. A fairly hard pencilor a mechanical lead holder with a 3H or 4H leadis recommended. Numerals and decimal pointsshould be legible and should permit only oneinterpretation.11-6
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