Figure 7-53.-Various positions of wall masonry units and mortar joints.
joints in a wall (fig. 7-53). These are as
Course. One of the continuous horizontal
layers (or rows) of masonry that, bonded together,
form the masonry structure.
Wythe. A continuous single vertical wall of
b r i c k
Stretcher. A masonry unit laid flat with its
longest dimension parallel to the face of the wall.
Bull-Stretcher. A rowlock brick laid with its
longest dimension parallel to the face of the wall.
Bull-Header. A rowlock brick laid with its
longest dimension perpendicular to the face of the
Header. A masonry unit laid flat with its
longest dimension perpendicular to the face of the
wall. It is generally used to tie two wythes of
masonry together.
Rowlock. A brick laid on its edge (face).
Soldier. A brick laid on its end so that its
longest dimension is parallel to the vertical axis
of the face of the wall.