Figure 8-2.-Typical copper fittings.types: K, L, and M. K has the thickest walls, andType L copper tubing is also available in eitherM, the thinnest walls, with L’s thickness inbetween the other two. The thin walls of coppertubing are soldered to copper fittings. Solderingallows all the tubing and fittings to be set in placebefore the joints are finished. Generally, fasterinstallation will be the result.Type K copper tubing is available in eitherrigid (hard temper) or flexible (soft temper) andis primarily used for underground service in thewater distribution systems. Soft temper tubing isavailable in 40- or 60-ft coils, while hard tempertubing comes in 12- and 20-ft straight lengths.hard or soft temper and either in coils or instraight lengths. The soft temper tubing is oftenused as replacement plumbing because of thetube’s flexibility, which allows easier installation.Type L copper tubing is widely used in waterdistribution systems.Type M copper tubing is made in hard temperonly and is available in straight lengths of 12 and20 ft. It has a thin wall and is used for branchsupplies where water pressure is low, but it is NOTused for mains and risers. It is also used for chilledwater systems, for exposed lines in hot-waterheating systems, and for drainage piping.8-2
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