2-40.2-35.2-36.2-37.2-38.2-39.Learning Objective: Identifythe purpose, methods, andrequirements of geological andpedological surveys.The purpose of a geological surveyis to obtain which of the followingdata? locate rock formations inthe field and determine theirphysical characteristicsTo determine rock age anddistributionTo determine the types of rocksand their mineral contentAll of the aboveHow can a geologist determinethe approximate age of a rockformation?1.By examining the sequenceof rock units2.From data obtained by seismicsurveys3.By the presence of certainorganic particles4.From data obtained by nucleardensity surveysWhich of the following surveymethods might a geologist use inplotting features on a field map?1.Reference an outcrop toa relief feature2.Reference an outcrop byestablishing direction witha compass3.Measure the difference inelevation with an altimeter4.Each of the aboveThe surveyor supports the geologistby performing which of thefollowing tasks?1.By examining the boreholesamples2.By plotting the resultsof the geological surveys3.By preparing the basictopographic map4.Both 2 and 3 aboveTo establish your base direction,you should take which of thefollowing steps?1.Perform a triangulation survey2.Run a control traverse3.Begin from an establishedmonument4.Use an established base linefrom a triangulation net2-41.2-42.2-43.2-44.2-45.2-46.2-47.Distance measurements should beobtained as accurately as possiblefor a base map survey.1.True2.FalseMeasurements made by stadia duringa geological survey must beaccurate to 1 part in1.2002.3003.5004.1,000What is the maximum allowable errorin elevation when plotting data fora geological map?1.One half of the contourinterval2.One contour interval3.Two contour intervals4.25 feetHorizontal angles, other thantraverse angles, that are plottedon a geological topography mapshould be read to the nearest1.1 minute2.15 minutes3.30 minutes4.1 degreeAerial photographs may be used inplace of a base map that will beused for engineering purposes.1.True2.FalseWhich of the following topographicfeatures are more clearly shown onaerial photographic maps?1.Intermittent streams2.Sinkholes3.Abrupt contour changes4.Heavily wooded swamp areasThe plotted elevations of theintersection of core borings andthe surface of the earth shouldbe accurate to the nearest1.0.1 ft2.0.5 ft3.1.0 ft4.5.0 ftGeological surveys should conformto what degree of precision?1.First order2.Second order3.Third order4.Fourth order12
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