A S S I G N M E N T 3Textbook Assignment: "Soils: Surveying and Exploration/Classification/FieldIdentification." Pages 16-4 through 16-23.3-1.3-2.3-3.3-4.3-5.Learning Objective: Identify thepurpose of soil exploration.Identify reference sources andtheir uses in planning soilexploration.Soil surveys of a proposedconstruction site provide which ofthe following information about thesoil conditions of that site?1.The condition of the soillayers2.The drainage characteristics3.The source of possibleconstruction materials4.All of the aboveWhich of the following types ofsoil has better internal drainage?1.Well-graded gravel2.Inorganic clay3.Silty sand4.Organic clayWhen you discover that a proposedgrade line is below the groundwatertable, which of the followingactions must be taken?1.Change the location2.Lower the grade line3.Lower the water table bymechanical means4.Install a water barrier duringthe constructionAt what time interval should themeasurement for the groundwatertable be taken in a test hole?1.As soon as water is located2.At high tide3.24 hours after the hole isbored4.36 hours after the highestwater level is reachedA soil profile provides which ofthe following information?1. Location of ledge rock2. Location of the water table3. Identification of the soillayers4. All of the above3-6.3-7.3-8.3-9.3-10.3-11.The soil profile does NOT provideinformation that is useful indetermining the finished gradelocation.1.True2.FalseWhich of the following sources ofinformation would provide you witha location of constructionmaterials, as well as locations ofsand and gravel pits?1.Intelligence reports2.Topographic maps3.Agricultural maps4.Geologic mapsAn agricultural soils map providesa variety of information on soilsto what maximum depth?1.72 inches2.36 inches3.12 inches4.6 inchesWhen reviewing aerial photographs,you observe areas with smoothlyrounded slopes. What type of soildoes this indicate?1.Granular2.Plastic3.Bedrock4.Silt depositsWhen reviewing aerial photographs,you notice a drainage area. Whatis indicated by a sudden change ingrade or direction of that drainagearea in the photograph?1.Diversion ditches2.Rock formations3.Sand deposits4.All of the aboveWith proper study of maps andphotographs, there should be noneed for any field investigation.1.True2.False14
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