3-12.Which of the following requirementsis true of a test pit excavation?1.Must be large enough for a manto enter2.Must be made with power-drivenequipment3.Must be below the water table4.Load-bearing tests must beperformed on soil samples takenevery 18 inches3-13.Test holes are best performed onwhat type of soil?1.Cohesiveless soil below thewater table2.Cohesiveless soil above thewater table with largeaggregate3.Cohesive soil4.Bedrock3-14.Soil samples obtained by diggingtest holes are used for which ofthe following test purposes?1.Soil classification2.Compaction3.Moisture Content4.Each of the above3-15.What method is commonly usedcommercially to make deep testholes?1.Wash boring2.Core boring3.Drilling4.Auger boring3-16.Undisturbed samples are used totest which of the followingqualities of the soil?1.Saturation point2.Cohesiveness3.Shear strength4.Load-bearing strength3-17.You must determine subgradeconditions for construction of anew road. What is the next steponce the field reconnaissance hasbeen completed?1.Develop soil profiles2.Classify the soil3.Obtain samples for laboratorytesting4.Perform preliminary borings atappropriate locations3-18.When performing soils investigationon possible borrow areas, youshould make borings to what depth?1.10 feet2.The depth of planned excavation3.2 - 4 feet below anticipatedexcavation4.Same depth as all other borings3-19.When performing soils surveys,which of the following sourcesshould you use to obtaininformation pertinent to the area?1.Local contractors2.Existing mine shafts of earthcellars3.Eroded slopes4.All of the above3-20.Detailed soil explorations shouldbe performed at what type of site?1.Proposed center line2.Proposed large cut location3.Extreme grade shift4.Proposed pavement location3-21.What minimum spacing, if any, isrequired between boring holes?1.25 feet2.50 feet3.100 feet4.NoneLearning Objective: Identify theclassification of soils accordingto the Unified Soil ClassificationSystem and solve mathematicalproblems related to soilclassification.3-22.Highly organic soil is identifiedby what manner?1.More than 50 percent passing aNo. 200 sieve2.50 percent or more retained ona No. 200 sieve3.Determining that the sample isneither a fine-grained norcoarse-grained soil4.Visual inspection3-23.The Unified Soil ClassificationSystem uses what number of groupsfor soil classification?1.Five2.Seven3.Fifteen4.Thirty15
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