4-49.4-50.4-51.4-52.4-53.4-54.Which of the following soils is themost desirable for soil-cementconstruction?1.Silty and clayey soil thatcontains a relatively highpercentage of clay2.Sandy soil that is deficient infines3.Sandy and gravelly soil withmore than 55% passing a No. 4sieve4.Sandy and gravelly soil thatcontains 10% to 35% silt andclayWhat is the first requirement forquality soil-cement?1.Proper moisture content2.Adequate cement content3.Density of the soil4.Proper compacting equipmentWhen you perform laboratory tests,composite samples should not beused because they could providemisleading and inaccurate results.1.True2.FalseThe required cement content fornonfrost areas is determined bywhich of the following tests?1.Moisture-density2.Freeze-thaw3.Wet-dry4.Both 2 and 3 aboveThe wet-dry test takes approx-imately how long to complete?1.1 day2.2 days3.24 days4.108 daysYour sample is classified as agravelly soil. What is the passingcriteria for this type of soil whenthe freeze-thaw test has beenperformed on the sample?1.At least 7% weight loss2.Not more than 7% weight loss3.At least 14% weight loss4.Not more than 14% weight loss4-55.The principle requirement of asoil-cement mixture is to withstandexposure to the weather. Bymeeting this requirement, anotherrequirement is also met.What isthat other requirement?1.Strength2.Moisture content3.Plasticity4-56.The use of bitumen has which of thefollowing effects on the soil?1.Decreases the load-bearingcapacity2.Decreases cohesion3.Increases the resistant to4-57.4-58.4-59.water action4.Each of the aboveIn frost areas, tar is therecommended bituminous binder.1.True2.FalseWhen pollution control concernsexist, what type of bituminousproduct is recommended?1.Asphalt cement2.Asphalt emulsion3.Tar4.Cutback asphaltFor a well-graded aggregate withlittle to no mineral filler, whichof the following bituminousmaterials should you use?1.MC-30002.MC-2503.SS-1h4.SC-7023
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