4-36.4-37.4-38.4-39.4-40.4-41.Which of the following methods is ageneral method used for soilstabilization?1.Modification2.Additive3.Cementing4.BituminousThe method of soil stabilization tobe used is determined by which ofthe following factors?1.Soil description2.Soil classification3.Amount of requiredstabilization4.Each of the aboveThe mechanical method of soilstabilization is accomplished bymixing what materials?1.Soils of different gradations2.Cement and soil3.Bituminous products and soil4.Each of the aboveAdditives are used for what primarypurpose?1.To improve soil strength only2.To improve soil durability only3.To reduce the thicknessrequired only4.To improve soil qualityWhen stabilization is achieved bycementing, the final strengthdepends on which of the followingfactors?1.Amount of cement used2.Density achieved during curing3.Density achieved duringcompaction4.Both 2 and 3 aboveLearning Objective: Identify typesof stabilizers and the methods usedfor determining the type and theamount of stabilizer required.Which of the following tests mustbe performed before a stabilizercan be selected?1.Moisture content2.Sieve analysis3.Specific gravity4.Bearing tests4-42.4-43.4-44.4-45.4-46.4-47.4-48.Cement can be used withcoarse-grained soils that meet whatcriteria?1.At least 45% retained on aNo. 4 sieve2.At least 45% passing a No. 4sieve3.At least 45% retained on aNo. 40 sieve4.At least 45% passing a No. 40sievePlasticity index should meet whatcriteria when you use a bituminousmaterial for soil stabilization?1.Greater than 302.Less than 30 but greater than103.Equal to 254.Less than 10When you choose a stabilizeradditive, which of the followingfactors must be considered?1.Environmental conditions2.Cost3.Type of soil qualityimprovement desired4.Each of the abovePlastic soil-cement is used forwhich of the following purposes?1.Road repairs2.Erosion prevention3.Paving ditches4.Each of the aboveWhen you add cement to the soil,which of the following propertiesincreases ?1.Plasticity2.Water-holding capacity3.All properties4.Bearing capacityWater is used in soil-cement forwhat purpose?1.For hydration of the cement2.To obtain maximum compaction3.Both 1 and 2 above4.To increase the weightSoils used for soil-cement must bewell graded to provide properaggregate cohesion.1.True2.False22
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