A S S I G N M E N T 4Textbook Assignment: "Mix Design: Concrete and asphalt." Pages 17-1 through 17-22. "SoilStabilization." Pages 18-1 through 18-9.Learning Objective: Identify themethods and procedures used in thedesign of concrete mixtures.4-1.Concrete mixture proportions aredetermined by which of the fol-lowing factors?1.Anticipated weather conditionsat the time of placement2.Anticipated weather conditionsduring the entire curingprocess3.Size and shape of the structure4.Quantity to be placed4-2.What factor determines the strenqthand durability of the concrete? -1. Volume of water2. Volume of cement3. Water-cement ratio4. Compressive strength4-3.When considering the exposureconditions and strength require-ments using tables 17-1 and 17-2,what water-cement ratio should youuse?1.Higher ratio2.Lower ratio3.Average of the appropriateratios4.Laboratory obtained ratio4-4.A concrete wall is 10 inches thick.What is the maximum size of thecoarse aggregate that can be usedin the mix?1.2.0 in2.3.5 in3.5.0 in4.7.5 in4-5.Fine aggregate is used in a mix forwhich of the following purposes?1.To increase the strength of themix2.To absorb excess water3.To increase the workability ofthe mix4.To accelerate the hydrationprocess4-6.Regardless of weather conditions,entrained air should always be usedin concrete for which of thefollowing purposes?1.Precast2.Paving3.Drainage4.Foundation4-7.Concrete that is exposed to4-8.4-9.4-10.4-11.moisture or free water beforefreezing is classified as whattype of exposure?1.Mild2.Moderate3.Severe4.HarshWhat method measures theconsistency of the concrete mix?1.Trial batch2.Workability test3.Proportions and ratio4.Slump testThe size of your trial batch shouldbe determined by which of the fol-lowing factors?1. Size of the placement2. Equipment available forplacement3. Number of test samples required4. Size of the coarse aggregateThe aggregates for your test batchshould be in what condition?1.Oven-dried2.Saturated, surface-dry3.Saturated4.Super saturatedTo determine the amount of mixingwater needed for a trial batch, youmust determine which of thefollowing information?1.Amount of cement required2.Water-cement ratio3.Desired slump4.All of the above19
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