4-12.Your coarse aggregate has a maximumsize of 2 inches and a finenessmodulus of 3.00. What quantity ofcoarse aggregate is required for a1-cubic-yard trial batch?1.1,944 lb2.2,000 lb3.19.44 cu ft4.20.00 cu ft4-13.You are preparing a l-cubic-foottrial batch with a water-cementratio of 0.50. The quantity ofcement to be used is 23.5 pounds.What is the required quantity ofwater?1.23.50 lb2.11.75 lb3.0.50 cu ft4.0.25 cU ft4-14.You mix a 1-cubic-yard trial batchand the slump is 2 inches more thanthe desired slump. What actionmust you take?1.Add 10 gal of water2.Decrease your water by 10 lb3.Decrease your water by 20 lb4.Add more cement4-15.To determine the absolute volume ofcoarse aggregate, which of thefollowing information do yourequire?1.Maximum aggregate size2.Specific gravity3.Dry-rodded weight4.All of the above4-16.When the fineness modulus is not inthe tables, what must you do todetermine the volume for the coarseaggregate?1.Use the value that is higherthan the aggregate2.Use the value that is lowerthan the aggregate3.Use the average value from thetables4.Interpolate to obtain the value4-17.How do you determine the absolutevolume of fine aggregate?1.(Percents of fine aggregate) x(total cement)2.27 - (Total absolute volume ofall other materials)3.(Absolute volume of coarseaggregatea)-(absolute volumeof concrete)4.(Total volume of all material)x (specific gravity of fines) x62.44-18.4-19.4-20.4-21.4-22.4-23.What is the percentage offree-surface moisture in sand thatis squeezed and clings together butcontains no excess water?1.0% to 2%2.2% to 4%3.5% to 8%4.8% to 12%What is the maximum FSM of gravel?1. 1%2. 2%3. 3%4. 4%When you are batching the concretemix by weight, how do you accountfor the weight contributed by theFSM?1.Increase the total weight forthe coarse aggregate only bythe FSM2.Decrease the total weight forthe fine aggregate only by theFSM3.Increase the total weight forthe aggregates per cubic yardby the FSM4.Decrease the total weight forthe aggregates by the FSMWhat adjustment, if any, should bemade to water requirements toaccount for FSM of the aggregates?1.Increase the amount of water bythe FSM2.Decrease the amount of water bythe FSM3.Decrease the amount of water bythe FSM of the fine aggregatesonly4.NoneThe FA has a 4 percent FSM and theCA has a 2 percent FSM.Theoriginal mix design called for theFA to be 1,050 pounds per cubicyard. What is the adjusted weightof the FA for the actual concretemix?1.1,008 lb/cu yd2.1,050 lb/cu yd3.1,092 lb/cu yd4.1,113 lb/cu ydYou should monitor the moisturecontent of the aggregates and makeappropriate adjustments under whichof the following conditions?1.After periods of dryness2.After rains3.After new material is delivered4.All of the above20
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