CHAPTER 3HORIZONTAL CONSTRUCTIONThe construction of roads and airfields, or portionsof roads and airfields, is often tasked to the Seabees foraccomplishment. As an Engineering Aid, you can expectinvolvement in projects of this type. This involvementmay include assisting the engineering officer in thedesign of these facilities or in the surveying operationsrequired before, or during, construction. Whatever yourinvolvement is, you must be familiar with theterminology, methods, and materials of road and airfieldconstruction. This chapter will provide that familiarity.ROADSA military road is defined as any route used by themilitary for transportation of any type. This includeseverything from a superhighway to a simple paththrough the jungle. The type of road required dependsmainly upon the missions of the units that use it. Inforward combat zones, the requirements are usually metby the most expedient road; that is, one that will get thejob done with no attempt for permanency. In the rearzones, however, the requirements usually call for somedegree of permanency and relatively high constructionstandards.NOMENCLATUREWhen assigned to the engineering division, you mayhelp prepare the working plans for the construction ofroads and airfields; for example, a two-lane, earth,gravel, or paved-surface road. Figures 3-1 and 3-2 showthe basic parts of a road. The following paragraphs giveFigure 3-1.-Perspective of road showing road nomenclature.Figure 3-2.—Typical cross section showing road nomenclature.3-1
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