6-35.6-36.6-37.6-38.6-39.Awards and administers all master6-40.ship repair (MSR) contracts and joborders for repair and overhaul.1. B2 . C3. D4. EThe interval between regularoverhauls depends on which of thefollowing conditions?1.The size and complexity of theship2.The last overhaul completed3.The need for an overhaul4.The assigned missionPlans progress from a rough stageto a definite schedule of work tobe done and the time, materials,personnel,f a c i l i t i e s , and funds tocomplete an overhaul in what typeof ship planning?1.Navywide2.Individual3.Training4.AdvancedPainting and hull inspections areusually done during which of thefollowing scheduled times?1.Regular overhaul2 .Emergency upkeep3.Regular availabilities4.Emergency availabilityDock and sea trials normally arecarried out after which of thefollowing events?1.Minor refits2.A major hull inspection.3.Most major repairs ora l t e r a t i o ns4.Drydocking6-41.6-42.What is the purpose of an incliningexperiment?1.To test ship characteristics2.To validate stores capacity3.To determine if the center ofgravity has changed4.To determine whether furtherequipment modifications orupgrades can be madeThe departure report furnishes allinformation after an overhaulEXCEPT which of the following?1.Work scheduled2.Work completed3.Actual cost4.Trials completedWhen work or alterations have NOTbeen accomplished during thecontract period, requests foradditional work are submitted toNAVSEA or INSURV by what person?1.The shipyard commander2.The SUPSHIP3.The TYCOM4.The COFigure 6DIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 6-43 THROUGH 6-51,SELECT FROM FIGURE 6D THE SHIP TRIALDESCRIBED IN THE QUESTION6-43.Shows that the ship was constructedor converted according to contracts p e c i f i c a t i o n s.1. A2. D3. E4. H44
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